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Marissa and Finnick's training grows more and more intense with every passing day. They train alongside Gale Hawthorne, and every move they make is filmed as part of a propos series showing the rebels preparing for the Capitol invasion. Marissa technically should've been put into the training group with Katniss and Johanna but Plutarch felt it would be best to have Marissa training alongside Finnick in the propos as they were apparently popular in the quarter-quell when they fought alongside each other.

Marissa is glad to be put through the training though, because not only are they treating her as a regular soldier and not holding her on a pedestal as a victor, but she now has training using a wide variety of weapons, not just throwing knives and a trident. Marissa assumes that using a gun against peacekeepers will prove more valuable than throwing knives. Beetee has kindly made her specialised throwing knives, a trident for Finnick and bows for Katniss and Gale. Marissa's new throwing knives come in three different colours. One set is sleek matte black and is designed like standard throwing knives, but they have red lights on the handles that flash red to show their position if Marissa or her team ever have time to retrieve them before moving on to the following location. One of the other sets is bright yellow and incendiary; when the button inside the handle is pressed, the knife will burst into flames on impact and incinerate its surroundings. The red ones are the most impressive, though. After the button in their handles is pressed, they explode on impact. Unfortunately, Thirteen does not have the training facilities for Marissa to see how big the explosions will be, as the training areas would be severely damaged if she used the explosive knives inside.

"You ready for your test?" Finnick asks Marissa, taking her hand in his. They've just finished another training session, and Marissa has been recommended to take an exam alongside Katniss and Johanna to see if she is ready to fight in the war.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Marissa nods confidently. She was fairly skilled before training and she has put everything into building her strength and stamina for the training sessions.

"You know, it's okay if you don't pass," Finnick assures her. Marissa's eyebrows knit together in confusion. Finnick runs his thumb along her hand and sighs. "You could stay here with Mags. She might get lonely without us."

"Finnick," Marissa says, "you can't convince me to stay. I've been waiting to do something worthy like this my whole life. The Capitol deserve this, and I want to be a part of it. Think about what they did to your parents and Everley and what they did to us while we were in the Capitol. And what about all of those children who we trained to die for them? I need to do this for the exact same reasons you and Mira do."

Finnick sighs and reaches up, pushing some of her hair behind her ear. He kisses her forehead gently and smiles slightly. "I know, Mari. I just wish you weren't in danger for once." 

"Everybody is always in danger of something," Marissa points out. Finnicks rolls his eyes at her with a playful huff. 

"Well, I wish you were in less danger than everyone else," Finnick corrects himself, and she grins widely. 

"That would be very selfish of me."

"I think it would actually be very smart of you." 

"I guess it's good that I'm not known for my brain," Marissa chimes. Finnick opens his mouth to reply, but Marissa stops him with a quick peck on the lips. "Now, stop trying to make me late for the test."

"Damn, you figured out my plan."

Marissa laughs before leaving Finnick and joining Katniss and Johanna in the testing facilities. 

"Loverboy not coming to watch?" Johanna asks Marissa with a smirk. 

"You know he would if he could, Johanna," Marissa replies. 

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