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In the morning, the group received another parachute. This one also delivers twenty-four rolls from District Three. Marissa had completely overlooked the bread rolls last night, having been so exhausted from hitting her head, near drowning and the jabberjay's. But, this morning, as she turns them over in her hands, counting each one of them, it finally resonates with her. The bread is a signal, with twenty-four symbolizing midnight and District Three representing the third day. The rebel plan will commence tonight, on the third night at twelve o'clock.

The thought of this makes Marissa extremely anxious and, she spends the morning glued to Finnick's side. Their hands are clasped together as Beetee explains his plan to take out Brutus and Enobaria, which will also result in him blowing up the forcefield around the arena.

"Now here's what I propose: a twelve o'clock strike. What happens exactly at noon and midnight?"

"The lightning bolt hits that tree," Katniss says.

"Yes. So, what I'm suggesting is that after the bolt hits at noon, but before it hits at midnight, we run my wire from that tree all the way down to the saltwater, which is, of course, highly conductive. When the bolt strikes, the electricity will travel down the wire and into not only the water but also the surrounding beach, which will still be damp from the ten o'clock wave. Anyone in contact with those surfaces at that moment will be electrocuted."

"Will that wire really be able to conduct that much power, Beetee? It looks so fragile like it would just burn up."

"Oh, it will. But not until the current has passed through it. It will act something like a fuse, in fact. Except the electricity will travel along it."

"How do you know?" Johanna asks.

"Because I invented it. It's not actually wire in the usual sense. Nor is the lightning natural lightning, nor the tree a real tree. You know trees better than any of us, Johanna. It would be destroyed by now, wouldn't it?"

"Yes," she says glumly.

"Don't worry about the wire - it will do just what I say," Beetee assures them.

"And where will we be when this happens?" Finnick asks.

"Far enough into the jungle to be safe."

"The Careers will be safe, too, then, unless they're in the vicinity of the water," Katniss points out.

"That's right."

"But all the seafood will be cooked."

"Probably more thank cooked," Beetee says. "We will most likely be eliminating that as a food source for good. But you found other edible things in the jungle, right, Katniss?"

"Yes. Nuts and rats. And we have sponsors."

"Well, then. I don't see that as a problem," Beetee says. "But as we are allies and this will require all our efforts, the decision of whether or not to attempt it is up to you five."

Marissa does not say anything. She just rests her head against Finnick's shoulder and waits for the rest of the group to agree.

Katniss is the first one to agree, pointing out that even if it does not kill Brutus and Enobaria, it eliminates the water as a food source for them too. Peeta obviously agrees next, siding with Katniss.

"All right," Johanna says finally. "It's better than hunting them down in the jungle, anyway. And I doubt they'll figure out our plan since we can barely understand it ourselves."

Finnick pulls Marissa away from the rest of the group as they discuss inspecting the lightning tree, his brows drawn together in concern.

"Are you okay? You haven't spoken much this morning."

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