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"Sterling!" Marissa exclaims when she spots the old District Four escort sitting alongside Plutarch Heavansbee and an older woman. It's unusual seeing Sterling without her bright clothes and makeup but Marissa still knows it's her. Sterling jumps up from her seat and embraces the victor from District Four.

"Oh, Marissa! I'm so sorry," she says, holding the redhead close to her. "We tried to get you out before the Capitol but you still had your tracker in."

"It's fine, Sterling. I agreed to be part of the plan and I knew it was a risk. It's my fault anyway. I didn't get mine or Peeta's tracker out."

"Marissa, it's not your fault," Finnick says, placing his hand on her shoulder. "It's Snow's fault."

"Well, it doesn't matter now anyway," Marissa shrugs her shoulders. "I'm here now."

"Please, take your seats," the older woman says. It's an order and her tone is stern and everyone automatically obeys, Finnick guiding Marissa to the seats on the opposite side of the table. "Miss Johnson, it's good to finally meet you. I'm President Coin."

Marissa nods, remaining silent as Coin introduces herself.

"Now that you've been discharged from the hospital, you'll need to start duties like everybody else in District Thirteen," Coin tells her.

"I need time to see Peeta," Marissa states bluntly. Sterling purses her lips and Finnick sighs at Marissa's blunt tone, running a hand along his face.

"Excuse me?"

"I need time taken out of my schedule to see Peeta. It's part of his recovery to spend time with me and anyone else who will make him feel better. You can ask the doctors I'm sure they'll give me permission to," Marissa says. Her face is blank and President Coin stares at her for a moment.

"Fine, your schedule will be rearranged to allocate time for you to meet with Peeta," Coin finally agrees. "Is that everything?"

"How would Marissa and I go about getting married in District Thirteen?" Finnick speaks up, interlacing his fingers with Marissa's on top of the table.

"To get married in District Thirteen you sign a contract and are typically assigned the same compartment but you're already sharing a room, so all you'll need to do is sign the papers."

"That's it?" Marissa frowns, disappointed. She knows that the celebration may be limited due to the rebellion but that's not what she'd had in mind at all. Sterling, Plutarch and Finnick look equally disappointed.

"No, that's not it!" Plutarch interjects. "Their wedding can be a propo. A big celebration. It will restore hope and show the Capitol that Marissa isn't on their side and that she's happy now. Katniss can be there too. It's perfect."

President Coin looks frustrated by Plutarch's recommendations and rejects his idea at first but Plutarch insists. Coin reluctantly agrees to discuss it with him in private and dismisses Finnick and Marissa.

"I hate her," Marissa says simply as her and Finnick walk back to their compartment. Finnick flashes her a confused look and she shrugs. "There's something off about her."

"You're probably just uncomfortable in the new environment. She's not that bad," Finnick says. "Anyway, you probably won't see her much. She's normally busy."

"Good," Marissa huffs. "I don't want to see her anymore than I have to." 

Finnick pulls her into a tight hug, squeezing her shoulders. "It will all be okay."

"I know... what did you do while I wasn't here?" Marissa asks him and he shrugs.

"Not much. I tied lots of knots... and there was a big attack from the Capitol so we had to hide in the underground bunkers... that wasn't so bad though because I just spoke with Katniss for most of it... you remember the one Peeta warned us about on that interview."

"Ohh... yeah... he got in so much trouble for that," Marissa frowns.

"He saved our lives."

"Good. As long as it was worth it... when he's more himself I'll tell him about it. He'll be proud of himself."

"He should be. I hate what they've done to him. He was so different in the arena."

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"Is she okay?" Marissa asks Finnick as he finally returns from the Hospital. Earlier in the day, Finnick had been called to hospital after receiving the news that Katniss Everdeen had been shot during one of the propos being filmed. Marissa hadn't moved from her spot on the bed since, anxious plaiting chunks of her hair as she waited for news. Finnick sits down beside her and takes ahold of her hands.

"She's okay, sweetheart," he promises. Marissa sighs in relief. She's not the closest with Katniss but she cares for her regardless and she knows that Finnick formed a tight bond with her not only in the arena, but in the time Marissa and Peeta were in the Capitol. "She's unconscious and has a lot of bruising but Cinna put a bulletproof vest in her suit so the bullet didn't even break her skin. It did rupture her spleen though, the doctors say it's fine."

"That's good, I was so worried," Marissa confides and Finnick smiles softly.

"I know you were, but she'll be up and about in no time. In the mean time I think we'll have plenty of time to plan the wedding."

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A/n: I am still alive. I have been super busy sitting my alevels, working full time, my cat dying and holiday and stuff so this is really the first time I've felt up to sitting down and writing again, but I'm glad because I love Marissa and Finnick.

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