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"Marissa," Finnick calls after his wife, who storms out of the room after the meeting concludes. She quickly makes her way to where the execution is due to take place on the narrow terrace outside the President's mansion. "Marissa, wait!"

She doesn't even look in his direction, not interested in his explanation. She's never felt so betrayed in her entire life. How could Finnick vote yes to that after adopting Theodore? How could he be stupid enough to vote for another Hunger Games? His decision made the vote a tie, and Coin, acting as Interim President of Panem, swayed the vote in favour of the symbolic games.

"Are you okay?" Peeta asks Marissa quietly. She just shakes her head. Finnick finally catches up to them, standing beside her as he's supposed to.

"Marissa, let me explain," Finnick pleads, looking desperately at his wife. "I-"

"Don't, Finnick!" Marissa snaps at him, outraged. "I'll talk to you later."

"Oh, lighten up, Marissa," Johanna rolls her eyes. "It's only Capitol children. It's not like they're worth saving."

Marissa's hands clench into fists by her side, and red bleeds into her vision. Although she and everyone else knows it's an overreaction, she launches herself at Johanna. Her fist hits Johanna's cheek with force, and Marissa tackles the girl to the floor.

"Marissa! Stop it!" Finnick shouts at her, grabbing her by the waist and lifting her off of Johanna, who has her arm swung back and ready to strike Marissa.

Johanna hurls abusive words at Marissa, but the redhead does not care. She's still furious at Johanna, but she takes deep breaths and flexes her fingers to try and ease the pain from her punch.

"Johanna, stop," Finnick orders, attempting to silence the girl from District Seven. Johanna turns on him now, and Finnick rolls his eyes. "You two can fight about it later! Everyone can see and hear you!"

Johanna scoffs loudly, but she purses her lips and faces forward.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Finnick hisses in Marissa's ear, and she turns to him, fury burning through her.

"Just stop, Finnick! I don't want to talk to you," she snaps, keeping her voice down. "Leave me alone."

Finnick clenches his jaw, frustrated with her, but he turns to face the post where Snow will be restrained for his execution.

The crowd erupts in cheers when President Coin appears on the balcony where Snow once wielded his power. Marissa stares at her, a blank expression on her face as she greets Panem and introduces Katniss as the Mockingjay. Katniss marches up to her position armed with a bow and a single arrow, looking rather menacing in her Mockingjay suit. There are more cheers which quickly turn into roars of hatred as Snow is paraded out of the door and his hands are secured to the post.

Katniss Everdeen nocks her arrow into her bow and raises it, aiming it directly at President Snow's heart. The crowd is silent, watching in anticipation as the arrow leaves her bow and speeds ahead. Only, it doesn't hit President Snow, instead buries its point into President Coin's heart. The cold lady collapses to her knees and plummets off the side of the balcony. She is dead before she hits the stone floor.

Marissa stares at the dead President, her eyes wide with shock as a wave of grey converges around her and swarms President Snow as he laughs, gurgling his blood.

Finnick wraps his arm around Marissa's bicep and ushers her, as well as Annie and Mags,  out of the chaos of the crowd and back to the couple's room. Sterling is sitting on the bed with Theodore, who she has dressed in an outfit of bright blue. She takes one look at the group's shocked expressions and stands, an eyebrow raised.

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