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Finnick is fast asleep in one of the chairs in Marissa's hospital room and the doctors have already come in to check up on her for the evening so, she will not be disturbed for the rest of the night. She wearily climbs out of bed, catching herself when her knees collapse underneath her and slowly straightening them out again. Unfortunately, she is still attached to her iv bag which makes her stand out a little more than anyone else but, she drags the iv pole with her, using it for balance. Thankfully, Finnick does not awaken and the corridors of the hospital wing are all but deserted so Marissa is in the clear to find Peeta.

She hobbles precariously through the hospital wing, glancing into every room in the hopes of finding Peeta. She finds Johanna first. The Victor from District Seven is asleep, her hair shaved and body slender. Marissa doesn't stop for her though, she doesn't want to wake her. Finally, she finds Peeta. He's awake, his arms strapped to the bed he lies in.

"Oh, Peeta!" Marissa whispers, rushing to his bedside as fast as she can.

"Marissa," he rasps, a smile pulling on his lips. "You're okay."

"What are they doing to you?" Marissa says, outraged at the restraints on his arms. It reminds her of the Capitol. She quickly releases him, holding her arms out and waiting for him to hug her. His arms wrap tightly around her torso, holding her to his body.

"Marissa, we're not safe here," he says quickly, glancing anxiously around the room. "Katniss is a mutt! She's going to kill us all. We can't trust her. She's a liar! She tried to kill me! She killed my friends! My family. Stay away from her, Marissa. She's a mutt."

Marissa doesn't say anything, she just holds him. She can feel how malnourished he is, his rib cage prominent but, she assumes she feels the same to him.

"She did this to us!" Peeta repeats. Marissa doesn't disagree with him. She knows that he probably has a team of doctors and nurses telling him that Katniss is not a mutt all day long. She doesn't want to do that. She just wants to be his friend.

"The doctors wouldn't let me see you," Marissa changes the subject as she sits down beside him. "I snuck out of my room."

"They won't listen to me," he seethes. "They think I'm crazy."

"I don't think you're crazy, Peeta."

"They burned District Twelve. They killed my family and friends and it's all Katniss' fault."

"I'm sorry, Peeta," Marissa whispers.

"Do you believe me?"

"I think the important thing to remember is that the Capitol and President Snow are the real enemies," Marissa says carefully, not wanting to upset her friend. He clenches his jaw and looks away from her, choosing not to reply. Marissa sighs, glancing around his hospital room. It's a white box with no sort of personality whatsoever and nothing to distract Peeta in any way. "You should ask them if you can have some painting supplies. Or maybe they could have you bake stuff?"

"They won't let me. I'm not allowed to take my restraints off."

"They shouldn't be restraining you like that," Marissa shakes her head. "It's not right."

Peeta says nothing, staring down at his shaking hands with a clenched jaw as Marissa rests her head on his shoulder and wraps her arms loosely around his torso.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she whispers softly. He isn't Peeta anymore, that's for sure, but he's alive with a chance of recovery and that's more than enough for Marissa. It means that everything she endured in the Capitol to protect not only him but Annie, Johanna and Finnick was worth it.

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