mini bonus chapter| perfect

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SUCKING IN A long breath, I lift my hand and knock on the Olson's front door.

I can do this, I can do this, I can do this.

Not even a full minute later, the door is pulled open, and I'm greeted by a half asleep looking Sam. His hair is a mess of curls, his eyes are half open, his cheek has blankets imprinted on it.

He stares at me, his features unbothered like he isn't really registering what's happening, only reacting when I lift my hand and give him a little wave.

"Oh- uh, hi, sorry, I was asleep." He says quickly, lifting his hands and wiping his eyes, like it'll clear his vision.

"I can tell." I hum, stepping a little closer to the door when I'm pelted with more cold rain.

"Come in, here," he puts his hand on my back, leading me into the house, and I feel myself flush.

"I didn't mean to wake you up, sorry." I apologize, turning and watching him shut the front door, before giving me a small smile.

"No, don't be sorry, it's fine." He stuffs his hands into the pockets of his grey sweatpants, which are most definitely doing things to me, and rolls back on his sock clad feet. "Is there um- is there anything I could help you with?"

The warmth in my cheeks multiplies tenfold and I quickly nod, saying, "I actually was wondering if I could have my book back, The Great Gatsby. I need it for tomorrow, you know."

He gives me a deadpan look, which is odd looking on his sleepy face. "You came here for a book."

I huff out another breath, twisting my hands together and saying, "We kissed today, Sam, of course I didn't come here for a book. I came here so we can talk about what we are."

Suddenly aware of the fact his family is probably here, my hands fly up to my mouth, and I barely stifle a gasp.

He knows exactly what I'm thinking, quickly saying, "Dad's still working and Mom is at some weird mommy and me class with Rores, it's just us."

Slowly dropping my hands, I nod, relief flooding my body. "Good, that's good."

He bites the inside of his cheek, his mossy eyes scanning over my face, almost as if he's memorizing every detail.


He raises his dark brows, "Want the book?"

I just roll my eyes, shaking my head and turning away, my gaze falling on a picture of him when he was little, barely ten.

His holding a baseball bat, clad a grass stained tee shirt and a pair of denim shorts that show off his scraped knees. He's grinning, his cute little face flushed, as he stands beside his mom.

"Mads?" He says, and I suddenly realize that he's at my side, instead of being a few feet away.

I look up at him, taking in how small I feel compared to his tall frame. Usually it would bother me, make me feel helpless, but instead it's almost comforting.

Blinking a couple times, my heart rate picks up as he gently touches my chin, his warm palm sliding until he's cupping my jaw.

"What are we?" I ask softly, cursing myself internally when without meaning to, I lean into his hand.

He winks. "Whatever you want us to be, beautiful."

"I...I liked earlier. It was good and it felt-" I almost whisper, unable to find the right words as he moves his hand from my jaw to the base of my neck, his fingers curling into my hair.

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