bonus chapter| tie

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"PART OF ME wishes I had gone with the white dress." I mumble, looking in the mirror and squinting at my reflection.

"Why? This one is so flattering," Leo lightly adjusts the strap on her on dress, before smoothing down the front.

Her dress is gorgeous and just violently Leo.

The base color is powder pink, with little white flowers clustered at the top that slowly disperse as it makes its way down. The neckline isn't low at all, but it still shows off her collarbone, and the spaghetti straps leaves her arms free.

Her blonde hair just goes with it, cascading down her back in perfectly done waves, thanks to Amelia.

My dress, though, I'm not too sure about.

It looked fantastic on the mannequin and I thought I looked hot as hell when we were at the dress shop, but looking at myself in the full length mirror I'm just not sure.

The dress is basic. It's red, Sam's favorite color on me, and it's made of a light silk materiel. Like Leo's, it's a spaghetti strap, but instead of being stuck in place like hers, the neckline dips.

It shows off a bit of my chest, not that there's much to look at, but it still does. It's long enough that it hits my ankles and still shows off my shoes without dragging on the floor.

Probably the most daring part of the dress is the slit.

My brothers may or may not know about that.

It's long, going high on my thigh, and shows off my tanned leg.

I'm naturally tan, but Leo and I spent a few hours last night absolutely cracking up as we attempted to fake tan ourselves.

Lia walked in on us standing in my shower, our hair tied into sloppy messy buns and both of us dressed in bikinis we decided we hated, fake tan all over the shower walls and on ourselves.

She decided to take pity on us and showed us how to properly do it, but we had it handled.

It was a little patchy, but handled.

"Will the boys be upset about the slit?" I ask her, and she laughs, shaking her head.

"No, they're getting better about letting you wear what you want. They'll be fine, and if they say anything Lia with slap some sense into them." She assures me, and I nod.

That's true, Lia gets more fed up with their shit than me.

After helping each other with last minute touch ups on our makeup, Leo asks, "Should we go down and knock the socks off our boys?"

"I say we do." I nod, smiling when she loops her arm through mine and leads me out of my bathroom.

She only trips on her heels twice as we walk down the stairs, catching herself on me, but soon enough we're in the living room where the boys, Maya, Livia, and Lia are waiting.

I don't even get the chance to see any of the boys' reactions before Maya tackles me in a hug.

I laugh, hugging her back, and she just presses kisses to my hair.

"I said I wasn't gonna cry but oh my gosh, you're so grown up," she gushes, and I laugh again, rubbing her back.

She pulls back a little bit, cupping my face in her hands. Her eyes are full of tears, a huge smile on her face, and of course this makes my eyes burn. "I feel like you were a little eleven year old just a few weeks ago. How the hell did you grow up so fast? You're like a whole woman now."

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