39| august

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"How much trouble do you think you could get in for making out at an aquarium?" Leo asks, laying on my bed and scrolling through her phone.

"I'm the one going to the aquarium, I don't think you should worry about it." I dig through my closet, trying to find my black skirt.

"Have you seen my skirt, Amelia? Y'know, the black one?" I call, dropping on my hands and knees, looking under my bed.

"I wore it the other day, I think it's in the wash!"

"I told you I wanted that for my date with Sam today!" I yell back, groaning loudly and standing up.

"This is why I'm glad I don't have siblings." Leo chimes in, smiling up at me over her phone.

"She's not even my sister and she's stealing my stuff."

"I'm pregnant, Maddie!" She defends, and I roll my eyes, looking at her over the railing of my loft.

"I let that slide when you ate my breakfast, being pregnant is not a free pass to let you do whatever you want."

"Maddie, don't talk to her like that, she is pregnant," Emmy teases, poking his head in my room.

"She took my skirt and my breakfast!" I complain, and he just shrugs.

"She's eating for two now." He defends, making Lia grin and lean into his side.

"Explain the skirt then," I deadpan, climbing down the loft.

"I thought it'd be washed in time, I dunno," she shrugs, flashing me a guilty smile when I glare at her.

"I love you." She hugs me, still smiling.

"You're lucky I like you."

"I'll give you one free pass for me to make you brownies whenever you want, as an apology."

"I accept," I shake her hand, and she beams, nodding.

After digging through the laundry for a few minutes, I find my black skirt crumpled up at the bottom of the basket.

It's clean just very wrinkled.

"I don't have time to iron it." I whine, walking through the kitchen to get back to my room.

"Hello, pretty girl," Sam whistles, sitting at the breakfast nook and smiling at me, who's still clad in a pair of pajama shorts and an old tee.

"You're like half an hour early, I'm not ready," I reply, jogging over to peck his cheek quickly, before heading back to the stairs.

"I'm actually a few minutes late, so we'd better head out soon." He follows me up the stairs, and I quickly grab my phone out of my pocket.

"No way it's already twelve," I murmur, cursing when I see the time.

"I'm sorry, Lia ate my breakfast and stole my skirt and it's just not been my day," I turn to him and he just smiles, shaking his head.

"It's fine, seriously, that was just a goal time to leave."

"Okay, thanks," I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him quickly, running back into my room before he can reply.

"What are you gonna wear?" He asks, grabbing my cup of coffee I made earlier but forgot to drink.

"Skirt and sweater or something," I shrug, watching him scrunch his nose up as he sips it.

"It's cold."

"It's been sitting on my desk all morning, I wonder why it's cold." I smile, and he just sticks his tongue out at me as I climb up to my loft.

"Leo, should I wear my grey crewneck or my red one?" I ask, but Sam answers for her.

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