40| two

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LEANING MY BACK against the lockers, I scroll through my phone, waiting for Sam.

He said he left early cause he wanted to work out before school, and since I didn't feel like sitting in a sweaty gym for an hour and a half, I had to drive with Leo and Parker who were still tense from last night's game.

Safe to say their argument wasn't as easily resolved as ours.

A short kiss is pressed to my lips, making me look up, a smile blooming over my face.

"Hello handsome," I hum, taking in his hair that's still wet from his shower and his tee shirt that's sticking to his chest.

"No, stop, I didn't realize how late I was and I had to shower fast, then I forgot to grab a towel and I had to leave the gym still practically dripping and I've just had a extremely rushed morning."

"Can I come to the gym next time?" I scan over him slowly, and he just glares at me.

"Damn, you're so sexy when you try," I bite my knuckle for show and I see pink highlight his cheeks.

He just sighs and shakes his head, sipping his probably much needed coffee. "I bought this for you but it's mine now, I can already tell reigning you in is going to be a full time job today."

"At least give me a sip?" I put my arms around his neck, standing on my tiptoes, and he just stares me down.

"Are you sorry for being a weirdo?" He asks, and I nod.

"Are you gonna stop?"

I grin, dragging my fingers through his damp hair that smells fantastic and so Sam. "Not if you keep looking like that."

"Mads, what happened? You used to be so sweet and innocent, Lia is corrupting you," he hugs me, shaking his head.

"She corrupts everyone." Someone says from behind me.

I pull out of the hug to see Amelia standing there, holding a little paper bag. "You forgot your brownies and I'm bored at home, so I brought you them. Enjoy,"

"You're the best." I take them, smiling widely.

"Hey, what's the special occasion? You look like you just got back from a male model photoshoot." Lia motions over his whole body and he glares at her this time.

"Things went badly at the gym, that's all I'm gonna say. Maddie already got the rundown so go to her."

"I'm not interested cause you know, baby daddy at home, but damn, you got a good one, Mads." Amelia whistles, making Sam gape.

"Make her stop looking at me." He pulls me in front of himself, crossing his arms over my chest.

"You're just so nice to look at." I look up at him, and he pinches my nose harder than necessary.

"Okay, I'm bored again and I feel like cuddling your cat, I'll see you guys later," Lia waves, turning on her heel and walking away.

"What an icon," I mumble to myself, nodding as she leaves.

"Hey, I need that," Leo says, grabbing the coffee from Sam and sipping it, dark circles under her eyes.

"Well don't you look like shit." He hums, and she just ignores him, her eyes half open as drinks the warm beverage.

"That's what you get when you slept like shit."

"Why'd you not sleep well?" He asks, holding my hands in his, tugging my back against his chest.

"Because Park and I are not on the best terms and it's stressing me out a little." She says, and I nod, messing with Sam's sleeves.

"Your relationship status shouldn't affect your mental and physical health, Leo," He chimes in in, and she just nods, rubbing her temple.

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