11| babies

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LEO WALKS UP to me looking like a mess. She has mascara smudged under her eyes, her blonde hair is in a messy bun, she's wearing a pair of grey joggers and a cropped white long sleeve, roses and vines down the sleeves. She's nursing a large hot coffee from Dunkin' Donuts, another in her free hand.

"What bus hit you?" I ask, smirking.

"I bought this other coffee for you but you've proved you deserve nothing." She replies, shrugging.

I laugh, making her chuckle and shove the coffee in my hands.

"I love you." I take a huge sip of the coffee and sigh. Heaven sent.

She just laughs quietly, pressing her back against the lockers and closing her eyes.

"So for real, what happened to you? You're usually so well put together." I ask, pulling my hair into a low pony.

She smiles and looks over at me. "Your brother and I texted until four am."

I cough on my drink, some getting on my chin.

"Very sexy look on you, Ems. I like it." Sam says, walking to stand beside me.

My face goes bright red and I use my sleeve to wipe my chin, elbowing him in the gut afterwards.

"And Leo, my guy, why do you look like that?" He asks, grabbing the coffee out of my hand and taking a sip.

"Give it back." I demand, glaring at him. He just grins down at me before drinking more.

I reach up and snatch it back, punching his gut even though I'm sure it hurt my hand more than his stomach.

"You're such a cutie." He observes, tapping the tip of my nose.

"Don't you dare boop me." I snap, poking his chest.

He laughs and nods, looking back to Leo. She is shoving her phone in her pocket when she looks up at us.

"Anyway, Cleopatra, why are you such a mess?" He asks, making me bust out laughing.

"Don't tell me your name is actually Cleopatra."  I put my hand over my mouth to be quieter but it's not helping.

"No, it's Cleo, but he thinks it's funny." She replies, glaring at Sam.

"Okay, your mother dressed you up as Cleopatra for Halloween once and you expect me to not make fun of you? Who do you think I am?" He says, laughing with me.

"Anyway, back to the question. Stop making me get off topic, baby," Sam teases, bumping his hip into mine.

I squint at him and shake my head, but I'm visibly smothering a smile. He just smirks.

"I was up till four chatting with this freaking hottie." Leo says, using a small mirror to try and get rid of the left over mascara under her eyes.

"Babe, we didn't even text last night." Sam tells her. She stops and glares at him over the mirror.

"I was talking about Parker, you tool."

"Can you maybe not call my brother a hottie? It's so gross." I chime in, taking another sip of my coffee.

"I'm only telling the truth," She says with a shrug.

As if on cue, Parker walks over to our small group.

"Samuel, back up a little. It's called a personal space and you're invading it." He comments, making Sam sigh and take a few steps back from me.

"Leo, you look gorgeous." Parker says, walking over to talk to her. She blushes bright red, still trying to take the mascara off.

"Thanks but there's no reason to lie." She replies, snapping her little mirror shut and shoving it in a pocket of her backpack.

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