50| epilogue

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Getting away after spending what seems like an eternity in snow and slush and ice, Sam can barely get me out of the sun long enough to sleep and eat, but I already do enough of that on the sand.

"Maddie, sunscreen," Sam insists, handing the bottle to me, and I push it away, my eyes still closed as I soak in the sunlight hitting my skin.

"I'm fine, thanks,"

"No, I wasn't offering it, put some on. You're already turning red and it's only nine in the morning." He says, and barely a second later, I feel a dollop of freezing cold sunscreen plop on my stomach.

"Sam!" I hiss, quickly sitting up and seeing the ridiculous amount of sunscreen on me.

"I'll rub it in for you." He flirts, a smirk tugging at his lips, not giving me time to protest before he's already taking some from my stomach and rubbing it into my shoulders.

I sit up a little straighter, but slouch again when he keeps going, his hands feeling amazing on my skin.

"Oh, that feels good," I mumble, my eyes fluttering closed.

"Yeah?" His hands side lower, down to the middle of my back, and I nod.

His fingers push harder at my muscles and I let out a breathy sigh. "Mhmm, right there,"

"Keep making those noises and people might get the wrong idea," he says quietly, and my eyes snap open, my skin becoming hotter than it already is.

"I'll get it the rest of the way." I sit back from him, and he pouts.

"I liked that job."

"A little too much." I hiss, rubbing whatever sunscreen is left, onto my arms and stomach, finally laying back down onto my picnic blanket.

I feel him lie down next to me, his head next to mine, and I reach for his hand, just wanting to touch him.

"Have I told you you look stunning today?" He whispers into my ear, and a smile creeps over my face.

"Yes, but go on,"

"Your swim suit is just...everything, the way the red contrasts your skin is amazing. Your hair is so messy and perfect and the sun is giving you the prettiest sun kissed look, I swear you belong here. Don't even get me started on you, just you, cause fucking hell, I could go on for days." He murmurs, his hands brushing over my collarbone, then over the curve of my waist, and finally settling on my hip.

I crack my eyes open, a blush creeping up my neck, and am welcomed by my boyfriend's handsome face.

"And your eyes are the softest brown when the sun hits them just right, I swear I can see gold in them." He adds, a smile tugging at his lips when he hears me giggle.

"You're good at this."

"I've had five months to practice, I better be damn great at it." He says, and I smile widely, raising our connected hands to rest my chest.

"Can you believe that next month we'll have been dating for half a year? That's a long time for a first real relationship, and especially one with us being so young."

A teasing grin comes over his face. "Did you expect us to not make it past month one?"

"No, of course I knew we were gonna be fine, I'm just impressed with us." I laugh, pinching his nose, and he swats my hand away.

"Can I interest you in a quick swim before the kids come out after breakfast?" Sam asks, already sitting up, and I shake my head.

"No, I'm warm, I'll swim later on."

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