49| undeniable

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SAFE TO SAY I won't be going to many more parties.

While the boys didn't yell at me like I expected, I was still in trouble for sneaking out, lying, and drinking underage, which means I'm grounded for a week.

They were gonna ground me the week it all went down, but I think they forgot it was literally the week before Christmas, so I'm gonna be grounded the week after New Years, but I think I'll be able to get out of it.

Extra peppermint hot chocolates for the twins, fluffy socks for Parker, lots of eggnog for Ollie and Ricky, and a back rub for Maya, I think I'll be able to get away with no punishment.

Fingers crossed.

The day after it happened was a little tense, but everything slowly went back to normal, and now, Christmas Eve morning, it's almost like nothing even happened.

It's six am and Lia is blaring Christmas music, screaming along as well, while she makes Christmas tree shaped pancakes and hot chocolate.

"Meelie, it's like technically still nighttime." Ollie grumbles, walking down the stairs from where he crashed in the twins room, which is the biggest bedroom, so it wasn't too cramped.

"It's not, Oliver Jarred, it's Christmas! Here, have some pancakes, they have whipped cream and sprinkles." She says cheerily, putting a plate of food down on the table, and he yawns, dragging his feet as he walks over to her.

He kisses the side of her head and she beams, handing him a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

"What a sweetheart." He teases, messing up her bed head, and she smiles even wider.

"Maddie over here hasn't complained about the time once. In fact, she was up when I woke up," Lia chirps, and I nod, still half asleep as I chew on my pancakes.

"Why were you up so early?" Ollie asks, and I shrug.

"Oh, you know, I couldn't fall asleep until three  because the happy couple next door were up all night getting saucy, and then I forgot that I planned to surprise Sam early this morning, so it's not like I ever really slept." I tell him, and he scrunches his nose up.

"They're so gross," He mumbles, plopping down on the chair beside me, and I hum in agreement.

"Alright, I'll be back in a bit," I mumble, standing up from the chair and stretching, swatting Ollie's hands away when he pokes my belly.

"Hey, is Sam coming over today?" Lia asks, still stunning me for how hyper she is this early in the morning, and I send her a thumbs up.

"Oh, okay, I'll make more pancakes." She nods, but Ollie waves her off.

"It's okay, Meels, we have enough. How about you sit down and have some pancakes, you gotta work on growing them babies." He motions to a chair and she smiles, flipping over a pancakes on the griddle.

"In a sec, Ollie, I gotta finish these one."

"Okay, I'll be back." I repeat, walking out of the kitchen, and they both wave at me, syrup dripping down Ollie's chin.


Grabbing the tray of warm cinnamon rolls I made last night then baked this morning, I snag another pancake and head out the kitchen door.

I blindly shove some slides on, looking fantastic with my fluffy Christmas socks, and put the tray down for a second so I can shove a coat on.

Snow is fun, but snow is not fun when it's soaking through your socks and making your toes cold, but I brace it as I walk across the sidewalk to the Olson's house.

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