7| legally blonde

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I'M SITTING IN the passenger seat of Sam's small, although nice, car. It's surprisingly clean and smells pretty okay.

He's currently filling up the tank with gas, so I'm just left waiting.

The whole four minute drive to the gas station, I turned the music up and stared out the window. It was nice of him to offer me a ride, but that doesn't mean I have to talk to him.


He gets back in the car a few minutes later and says, "Alright, lets go."

As soon as he turns the car back on I crank the music up, which just happens to be Green Day once again.

He quickly turns it down.

"Damn woman, you're gonna blow the speakers. I just got this car and I'd like it to last awhile."

I sigh and prop my feet up the dashboard. In a matter of seconds, he's reaching across to push my feet down.

"Dude, did you not hear me? New car." He says, giving me a side glance.

I groan loudly and obnoxiously, before turning the music up a little. "Can I at least hear it?"

He rolls his eyes and nods.

As I'm going through my playlists, I accidentally hit my musicals playlist. Yes, my obsession no one, besides my brothers, knows about.

Then the speakers start blaring Omigod You Guys by legally blonde. Oh, kill me now.

I quickly switch back to the first song I can find, which happens to be Young Dumb & Broke.

Sam turns and stares at me, a huge, stupid, shit eating grin on his face.

"Was that legally blonde?"

"No! Of course it wasn't- why would I-? How did you know it was legally blonde?" I stammer, my face going hot.

"I have a seven year old cousin and that's currently her obsession."

Great, that doesn't make me feel better. A seven year old has the same taste as me. Good. Perfect.

"Ems, why didn't you tell me you liked musicals?" He teases, laughing hard at my blush.

"I don't! My friend took my phone and it was in my recently played!" I lie, reaching over to punch his arm, hard.

He nods, an amused smirk on his lips. "Okay, sure, babes."

I roll my eyes before looking out the window again, like the five year old I am.

"I think it's cute that you like musicals, MJ. Don't be embarrassed."

"I don't give a crap what you think is cute, Sam." I hiss, not even bothering to look at him.

"You're adorable when you're flustered." He comments.



I scroll through insta as we drive, ignoring it every time Sam tries to start a conversation.

"I gave you a ride, sweetheart. You should be a little more appreciative. Or at the least conversational." He says, leaning over to poke my cheek.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I shoot daggers at him.

"But why not? It's more fun."

"Why are you such an egotistical jerk? What is with you?" I demand, shutting my phone off and looking over at him.

"Hey! It's not my fault you're so much fun to piss off." He shrugs.

"You're like an angry little teddy bear. So cute."

"Stop the car." I order.

He turns to the side and gives me an odd look.

"Stop the damn car, I'm walking home."

He starts laughing, progressively getting louder. "What?" I demand, turning in my seat to face him. He doesn't stop laughing.

"Shit, you're funny." He says after awhile.

"I'm not joking! I'd rather walk home than be in this car with you... harassing me!"

He tuts and mutters, "Poor sheltered little girl."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"This isn't harassment, sweet cheeks. It's flattery." He tells me.

"Flattery my ass!" I yell, punching his arm as hard as can.

"One," he starts, holding up a single finger.

"You're ass is hot as hell, so there you go, I flattered your ass. And two," he holds up another finger.

"How do you know how to punch like that, woman?"

"I have older brothers." I tell him.

He turns and says, "For someone who is independent and doesn't need her brothers at all, you sure threaten people with them a lot."

"No I don't!"

"Oh really? 'I have older brothers.' You're basically saying 'If you think I can punch well, I'm sure my five older brothers can do much better.' You use them as a crutch when something you can't handle comes up. I've literally known you under a week and I already know that. I bet your brothers love it." He says, shrugging.

"Who the hell are you to say that?"

"I'm just observant." He hums.


As soon as we pull up to my house, I grab my bag and get out of the car. I slam the door and jog up the steps.

"Look, my new car!" Sam yells out the window, motioning to the car.

"Look, I don't care!" I yell back, motioning to myself.

I open my door and walk into the kitchen.

"How was it?" Ollie asks as I walk past him. The boys must've told him about it.

"Hell," I say shortly, storming up the steps. He quickly follows me.

"Why, princess?"

"Cause boys are the vermin of this earth and I hope they all die a slow and painful death. Except Liam Hemsworth." My voice is laced with venom. I walk into my room and climb up the ladder.

"Who did it?" He asks quickly, climbing up to my loft to sit with me.

I flop back on my bed and pull a pillow over my head.

"Sam." I guarantee Parker already informed him all about him.

"What did he do?"

"The question is what didn't he do? He pisses me off, makes up these stupid nicknames for me, makes perverted comments." I vent, pulling my pillow off my head and chucking it across the room, accidentally hitting him.

"I can talk to him." He says, looking bothered by my answer.

"No!" I say quickly.

They're not my crutch. I can handle this just fine.

"Well, why not?"

"Cause I can handle it, I was just venting." I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"You promise me you're okay?" He asks, sitting beside me on the bed.

I meet his eyes and nod. "I promise."

**** hi! sorry this one has taken forever to upload and for the fact it's real short, but i'm kinda lacking inspiration. as stupid as that sounds. thank you for reading, ily guys! please comment and vote!

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