Hide and Seek

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0 woke up to a doctor at the door. 'Oh shit... This isn't good.' 0 "grabbed" onto the wall and slowly got up off the ground. He quietly made his way to the door, thinking that some subjects were still sleeping. The doctor was unrecognizable. He had a mask on and a cap, kinda like what surgeons wear. He opened the door and yanked 0 out of the room. He dragged 0 down the hall, and into a room labeled "Experimentation Room #8." 0 saw the strange experiments and made a run for it. He dashed down the empty hall, and into a random room. Dr. Andie watched 0 runs away from him and ran after him after realizing what was going on. 'The appearances of the tests probably scared him! Or maybe he thought I was a different doctor. Yeah, that's probably it. It was out of the ordinary for me to practically drag him down the hall. Wait, what if I injured him?!' Dr. Andie chased 0 before he disappeared somewhere. 'Dang it, I lost him...' He started checking every room in that hallway before heading towards the room labeled "Staff Only." Dr. Andie started looking for 0. He checked corners, under tables, heck, even cabinets! He saw a foot from behind the door and sprinted over to it. He carefully closed the door, only to find a familiar-looking subject behind it. "Subject 0?"••• Aidan helped 56 up, taking him somewhere safe. He knew for a fact his cell wasn't safe, so he needed to stay somewhere else. He looked for a few hours and finally decided that the janitor's closet was their safest bet. 56 sat down on the floor and looked around. He was starving. He checked the time and saw that it was 2 P.M. when most subjects get fed. Wait, how long has it been since he's even eaten? "I'm hungry..." 56 complained. Aidan nodded and left the closet to go get 56 something to eat. He made his way over to the "Staff Only" room. He threw open the door, "Ow! What was that for?!" only to hear Dr. Andie's voice. He closed the door and found Dr. Andie behind it. "Sorry..." Aidan heard laughter behind him and turned to face 0, who was laughing hysterically. "Comedy gold," he stated as he dramatically wiped a tear from the corner of his eye.0 quickly realized he had the chance to get away, and he took it. He slammed the door, making Aidan and Dr. Andie fall, and sprinted out of the room. 0 didn't look back, and he made his way over to the same room he was in the night before. Aidan helped Dr. Andie up, who then bolted out of the room to catch the subject on the run. He grabbed a bag of chips and made his way back to the closet. He opened the door and gave 56 the chips. 56 held the chips in his mouth, wondering how he was going to open them. "Oh! Sorry..." Aidan mumbled, opening the bag and started feeding 56 the chips. He thought of an idea. "Hey 56... Want to go outside?" 56's eyes lit up right after he said the word "outside." He tried getting up, but fell, dropping the chips. Aidan helped 56 to these feet. "Yes! I haven't seen the outdoors in a while!" Aidan took 56 to an exit door and figured out how to open it. He watched as 56 looked around in awe, and walked around. "What do you think?" "It's awesome! Thank you!" Aidan gave 56 a hug and smiled. "Soon you'll see a lot more of this way more often once I get everyone out of here." "Thank you for taking me!" 56 was beyond happy to see what the outdoors looked like after not seeing it in a while. Aidan wanted to see all of the subjects this happy and would do anything to see all of them as happy as 56 was at the moment. "You're welc- AHH!" Aidan was cut off by a blue car hitting him. Aidan slowly got up to see the driver, and his eyes widened. It was one of the scientists! The scientist glared at both Aidan and 56. 'Oh no...' 'Busted...'

Subject 0Where stories live. Discover now