The new workers

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Aidan and 56 slowly made their way back to the lab. "Hey, Aidan? Why are they doing this?" 56 asked out of nowhere. Aidan glanced at the blonde boy. "I don't know. But I intend to find out." Aidan replied. He intended to free all of the subjects and figure out what Dr. Green was planning. He promised 56 that he would free everyone, and he intended to keep that promise. Even though he only had exactly 1 week. To him, that was plenty of time. They made it to the entrance, and Aidan waited. He knew for a fact that the cameras would spot them, and Dr. Green would come to get him. As expected, Dr. Green swung open the door. "Who are you two? Dr. Green asked. Aidan thought for a minute, trying to come up with fake names they could use. "My name is Oliver. And this is Liam." Aidan, or Oliver, smiled at Dr. Green, trying not to look suspicious. "We're here to get a job here." Dr. Green nodded and let the two inside. Aidan grabbed on to 56's sleeve just in case Dr. Green tried anything. Aidan then noticed Dr. Green now limps. Dr. Green led them to his office. He made Aidan and 56 sit down, and he took out a piece of paper and a pencil. "So Oliver, what's your experience with working with medicine?" "I spent 2 years working in a hospital." Aidan lied. Dr. Green somehow believed his lie. He scribbled something on the paper and looked towards 56. "Liam, is this your dad?" Dr. Green asked. 56 hesitated before answering Dr. Green's question. "Yes, he's my dad." 56 answered. Aidan made a mental note to keep a close eye on the blonde boy so Dr. Green doesn't try to hurt him. "Oliver, what would you do if a subject tried to escape?" Dr. Green asked. This caught Aidan off guard. He can't tell the truth, but he can't lie about what he would do in front of 56. That would probably make him lose 56's trust. "Um... Well, I would..." Aidan had to come up with an answer quickly. Dr. Green raised an eyebrow, waiting for Aidan to answer his question. "You would what?" "I would... Bring t-them to you immediately?" Aidan lied. 56 didn't look angry at Aidan. That was good. 56 knew Aidan was lying about that. He would never do that. He knew he wouldn't. Dr. Green wrote Aidan's answer down. He finally rolled his eyes and gave Aidan a name tag. He then opened a drawer and gave Aidan a paper and a walkie-talkie. He got up out of his seat and left, but not without sending Aidan and 56 a suspicious look. Aidan grabbed 56's sleeve. "Alright 56, while we're here, please don't leave my sight. This place is super dangerous." 56 nodded. Aidan smiled and pulled out the paper Dr. Green gave him. It read "Task: Take Subject 231 to experimentation room #5." Aidan didn't want to do it. He knew that the experiments they were going to do on 231 were going to be torture. He forced himself to walk up the stairs leading up to the cell, and open the door with 56 close behind him. "Hi 231..." 231 was a 16-year-old girl with Raven-colored hair and icy blue eyes. She had a scar across her face, and her hands looked yellow for some reason. 'Probably due to the experiments...' Aidan thought. She glared at Aidan and 56. "What do you want?" She growled. "U-Um... We n-need to take you to an experiment room..." Aidan replied. 231 glanced over at 56. She looked surprised when she saw 56 behind Aidan. "Is he a subject?" 231 asked. "N-No..." Aidan shook his head. 231 still looked suspicious of Aidan and 56. "Then what is he?" 231 asked suspiciously. "He's an... Intern..." Aidan lied. He actually had no idea what job 56 had. He didn't even know if he even had a job! 231 still looked angry and annoyed. "Uh... The e-experiments won't hurt..." Aidan said. "Lies!" 231 yelled. That made Aidan and 56 jump back. They didn't expect that. "All of the experiments hurt! There isn't a single one that is painless!" Aidan didn't know how to get 231 to the experimentation room. Aidan got an idea. But he wasn't sure about doing his idea. If he did, that would probably make him lose 56's trust. But if he didn't do it, he would then lose Dr. Green's trust. It was important that he had both of their trust, but it would be impossible to have both of their trust at the same time. He needed 56's trust because he needs 56's help so that he can free the other subjects. Not only that but because he cared about 56. He wanted to help 56 and he promised that he would get all of the subjects out of there. And he intended on keeping that promise. But he also needed Dr. Green's trust because, with Dr. Green's trust, it would be easier to help other subjects escape. He finally came to a decision.He quickly turned on the walkie-talkie he was given, and said to the speaker "Assistance needed in 231's cell." Less than a minute later, two scientists dragged 231 away. She was kicking and screaming, but they ignored it. Aidan was super guilty about what he did. "Aidan? Why did you do that?" 56 asked. Aidan sighed and turned towards 56. "I had to. I have to do what Dr. Green asks for now in order to gain his trust so I have a better chance of getting all of the subjects out of here." 56 clearly looked bothered but didn't say anything about it. Aidan grabbed onto 56's sleeve and led him to the janitor's closet. "What will you do when Dr. Green gives you another task?" 56 asked. "Depends on what I need to do. I promise you, I'll try to make the best decisions. But please, try to trust me. I'm doing the best I can. And I'll keep my promise." Aidan answered. 56 was troubled about Aidan's decision with 231. But he knew deep down, he had to do it. He wasn't able to do anything else about it. If he refused to do it, that would've put both of them in danger. The only thing he could do was hope that Aidan knew what he was doing.

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