The past

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"Aidan, I'm sick of this bullshit!" Aidan's boss yelled. Aidan rolled his eyes. Not this shit again. "Listen, Henry! I'm sorry that they got away. My partner and I are on the lookout for them." Aidan was telling the half-truth. He was still angry that the robbers managed to get away, and Aidan and his partner were looking for them. Well, he would be if he wasn't stuck in his boss's office. But he wasn't surprised that he was stuck in his office, since he definitely isn't the best officer at the police department. "Aidan, say one more word and I'm gonna fucking fire you!" Henry jumped from his seat and yelled. He sighed and sat back down, running a hand through his hair. "You know what? Let's put that case aside for now. I'll have another officer look into that case. We have a much bigger case to worry about." "There are plenty of child abductions going on around the whole state. We got an anonymous tip saying that the missing children are stuck in some sort of illegally run lab. We got a possible location. Fail this one single task and you're fired. Understand?" Henry growled. "I understand. Give me the case file." Henry slid a file across the desk and Aidan swiped it off the table. Aidan sat down and immediately got to reading the file. The file said that a total of 1,783 children were in the lab. Aidan put the file down, shocked. "1,783!? That's most of the missing children case files this past decade!" Henry didn't answer, instead of searching inside a file cabinet. "Some of the children that went missing are suspected of being in the lab," Henry replied monotonously. Aidan rose a brow. "Like who?" The captain began to look in the file cabinet again. "Uh... Kids like Noel Davis, Charlotte Price, Heaven Taylor, Ethan King, Connor Williams, Aria O'Connor, Asher Murphy, Gabriel Harper, and a few other kids." Henry listed. "Holy shit..." Aidan mumbled in disbelief. Who the fuck would kidnap that many children? "Alright, I'll go check it out. Who am I working with?" Aidan asked. "Your partners for this mission are Officer Connor William and Officer David Stevens," Henry answered. Aidan nodded and got up from his seat. "Goodbye, Captain."••• Aidan waited in the helicopter for who knew how long. His fellow officers were chatting and laughing, but Aidan was zoned out. He couldn't fathom why someone would kidnap that many children. And take them to a lab! Who knew what the fuck was going on in that laboratory? Aidan knew for a fact that all of those children are beyond traumatized and would definitely need years, possibly decades of therapy. And even then, they'd probably never fully recover. "Aidan? You alright there?" Officer William's voice snapped Aidan out of his train of thought. "Yeah? Why do you ask?" Aidan asked. "You just seemed a little zoned out for a second..." Officer William replied. Aidan shook his head. "Sorry. Just thinking." Aidan apologized, chuckling. Officer William laughed along. But their laughter came to an end when they felt a huge bump in the ride. Aidan and the officers looked to the front, shocked."We're going to crash! Take cover!" The pilot cried. That was the last thing Aidan heard before getting knocked out in the crash.

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