Death (supposedly) guaranteed

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The worn-out door creaked, and with one swift kick, threw open. The intruder was then met with a huge mess. The abandoned cells were all lined up in a row, and bricks were littered all over the floor. The bars of the cells were knocked out of the windows, and they scattered all over the hallway. The hallway was devoid of light, symbolic of what was once a hallway full of life, was now destroyed beyond repair. 56 started roaming around the place, looking for any clues to indicate that someone was there. He refused to give up looking until he knew Aidan was safe. Determination surged through 56's veins. 'No one is going to hurt Aidan. Not on my watch!' 56 loudly sprinted around, his footsteps echoing down the long hallway. 'Don't worry, Aidan! I'm coming!' 56 thought while coming up with ways to help. 56 stepped into a cell and looked around. Debris was everywhere, but he didn't care. He was just focused on finding Aidan. 56 kicked a piece of concrete off of the floor and found a dead rat. 'Poor thing...' 56 kicked the piece of concrete back on the rat and shuffled out of the cell. He carefully stepped over pieces of concrete, hoping that he didn't find any dead animals in there. He walked to the end of the hall and found bloody footprints. 56 gasped, and stumbled backward."N-No... That isn't Aidan's blood! It can't be." 56 tried to reassure himself. He tried to slow his breathing when he realized how fast he was breathing. He was terrified, and a bit worried for Aidan. He knew he was possibly overthinking, so he recomposed his breathing and forced himself to keep looking. 56 entered a different cell. The glass was broken, and from what 56 could tell, the glass had a tiny bit of blood on most of the pieces. There was some dark clothing in a small corner, along with a small device he didn't recognize. He then heard faint footsteps through the hall. 56 glanced down the hall and was horrified to see Dr. Green walking through the hall. And Dr. Green didn't look happy. 56 slid behind the cell door. He heard Dr. Green's footsteps get closer, and closer by the second. The footsteps stopped at the cell. and Dr. Green looked behind the door and saw 56. "Hello, 1473..." Dr. Green greeted through gritted teeth. "I need you for an experiment." Dr. Green helped 56 off of the floor and dragged him out the door and down the hall. 56 stayed silent, scared of what Dr. Green might do if he made a single peep. The grumpy doctor took 56 to a room. 56 didn't get to see what the room was labeled, so he was going in blind. Dr. Green grabbed a needle and made 56 sit down on the floor. "This experiment is to see how long a person can last without all of their five senses. Don't worry, it isn't permanent." Dr. Green explained. Dr. Green injected the liquid into 56's leg and left the room. At first, nothing happened. But after 10 seconds, 56 noticed he was starting to lose his sense of touch. This horrified 56, and he started looking around for an escape route. 56 noticed that he slowly started to lose his sense of hearing. This made 56 panic even more, so he started crawling around, even though he was unable to feel himself crawling. Next, his sense of taste started fading away. But 56 didn't even notice since he hasn't recently consumed anything. 56 began to hear ringing in his ear, and 56 didn't even pay attention to it. He knew that the ringing was from his own imagination. The fourth sense to go was his sight. It didn't die out right away, though. It slowly was fading, like when you slowly close your eyes. The last to go was his sense of smell. Though, like his sense of taste, it went unnoticed because he didn't smell anything before, leaving him to assume that his sense of smell was gone too. 56 laid on the ground helplessly. To him, it almost felt like he didn't even exist. He was unable to feel, see, hear, taste, and smell. 56 stayed on the ground, hoping someone would eventually find him.••• Dr. Andie frantically searched the lab, hoping he would find either 0, Aidan, 1473, or all of them. He was extremely worried for their safety. What if Dr. Green got to 56 first? What if they were in danger? What if Dr. Jamie found 0 before him?! Dr. Andie raced through the halls, hoping, praying that they were ok. Dr. Andie refused to slow down and take a break. Even when he felt his lungs getting heavier. Dr. Andie slowly started getting more tired and out of breath, but he forced himself to keep looking. He was slowly starting to get lightheaded...••• 56 didn't realize that Dr. Green had entered the room. Dr. Green dragged himself over to 1473, still unaware of who 1473 really was. Dr. Green injected him with a needle. It was going to take a while for 1473 to get all of his senses back. Dr. Green lifted up 1473 and carried him down the hall. The hallway was full of life. Subjects talked to each other through windows in the cells, and doctors ran through the halls in a rush. Dr. Green barely walked up 3 flights of stairs, but eventually got to 1473's cell. Dr. Green threw open the door, and lowered 1473 on the ground, putting him down. Dr. Green quietly left the cell, locking the door. He climbed down the 3 flights of stairs and walked past 56's cold, empty cell. He was still angry that 56 managed to escape the lab.

Subject 0जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें