The painting

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56 and 0 quietly walked down the hall, careful to watch their step. The halls were completely empty, devoid of any light. 56 noticed a door with light coming through the crack of a slightly open door. "Hey 0, can you open that door for me?" 56 asked, eyeing the door. 0 threw open the door, and inside the room were clear glass bottles littered everywhere. Liquids of many different colors were spilled all over the floor, but other than that, the room looked somewhat clean. And that's an understatement. "Why are we here again?" 0 asked. "Dang it. I thought this was going to be an exit..." 56 mumbled disappointedly. 56 carefully stepped over the glass and liquids, over to a desk. A few papers were spread out on the desk. 56 read a few of the papers, looking for something that might help them. 0 glanced around the room until his eyes landed on a picture to his left. The picture was really beautiful but confusing. To him, it looked to be some sort of green ground with colorful spots littering the ground. A big, bright yellow orb of some type was in the top right corner of the picture. "What the hell is this?" 0 asked, gesturing to the picture. 56 walked over and took a good look at the picture. It was a picture of a beautiful, green hill with flowers everywhere you looked. The sky in the picture was a bright blue, and the sun was a bright yellow in the picture. It looked like it wasn't a picture taken with a camera. The sun looked to have some sort of swirl design in it, and the ground had green waves in it. It definitely wasn't a picture taken with a camera. But despite that, he could easily tell what the picture was supposed to be. "That's some sort of picture of the outside world." 56 replied. "It isn't the most realistic example, but it is a picture of it." 0 pointed to the colorful spots on the green. "Then what are these?" 0 asked. "Those are supposed to be flowers." 56 responded. "How do you know about this?" 0 asked. "Because I've been outside." 56 responded with a small smile. Then 56 suddenly remembered how Aidan took 56 outside. "I know where one of the exits are. Follow me." 56 rushed out the door, with 0 barely catching up to him. "Wait up!"••• 56 excitedly ran up to the door with a big grin on his face. 0 caught up to him and saw 56 standing next to a door. "Ok. Let's see where this door leads us to." 0 grabbed onto the door handle and tried opening it. Nothing. 0 tried kicking the door, but still nothing. The door was locked. 56 turned around, and his face went pale. "What's wrong?" 0 asked while turning around. Only to have the same reaction as 56. Dr. Green was standing right in front of them. "Were you two trying to escape?" Dr. Green asked. 56 quickly shook his head no, and 0 tried to at least appear calm. "No, Dr. Green." 0 lied. Unfortunately, Dr. Green saw right through their bullshit. "I think you two know by now that escaping is not tolerated here." 0 noticed that Dr. Green had somewhat of a limp. 56 and 0 looked at each other, quickly reading each other's minds. Run. 56 and 0 shoved Dr. Green out of the way, making him fall on the floor. 0 and 56 sprinted down the hallway, not even bothering to turn around and look at the man who's trying to get up.

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