49. If only

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~song of the day~
Beautiful mistakes - Maroon 5

  ~song of the day~   Beautiful mistakes - Maroon 5

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Gray's POV

After my conversation with Kayden, I head back home. I was determined to leave the house and not return until I set things right.

I couldn't risk putting Chloe and Harry in danger. I couldn't become my father. My father had failed to protect not only himself but also dragged the rest of us into his mess. My life took a 180 after his disappearance. He should have at least set things right before leaving. I was set on doing what he couldn't. End the Cagers or drag them to hell with me. But the latter was the easier one.

I barge into my room, startling a very relaxed Aaron. He throws a pillow in my direction when he regains his composure. "Dude! Are you trying to give me an attack? I almost thought you were my dad. I've been having nightmares of him coming to drag me away to somewhere far away- like Iceland."

I ignore him and head straight for the closets. I grab my box from the top shelf and start stuffing whatever clothes I could find into it.

"Woah, Woah! I just yelled a little. No need to send me packing, "Aaron raises his hands defensively, walking towards me.

I stride to the other side of the room to grab my phone charger.

"Something happened, " He discerns, a concerned look overtaking his playful expression. "Gray?"

"It's nothing serious. I'll just be away for a while." 

"How bad is it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

He was going to find out about Zyair soon, but not from me. I couldn't bring myself to tell him. He doesn't ask me any more questions and grabs his box which hasn't been unpacked. "I don't know what's going on with you, but wherever you go, I go."

I turn to face him for the first time since returning. "I need you to stay here with Kelch."

"Screw that. Who's going to protect you if you're busy protecting everyone else."

"I don't need protection!"

"And I don't need you to tell me what to do."

"Zyair's in a coma. He got hit by a car, " I blurt harshly.

Aaron was a very stubborn person. I knew he wouldn't budge, so I figured I'd have to tell him bad news to distract him while I escape. He stands stunned. Too stunned to talk. Which was my cue to leave.

I come face to face with Kelch's room and leave a small message for her. The last thing I wanted was to increase her burden with worries about my safety. Thankfully, either mom or Dave was home, so I didn't have to explain myself to anyone else. I just had to get to my car.

After getting into my car, just as I'm about to drive away, the passenger seat door opens. Aaron slings his box to the back of the car and sits next to me.

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