50. Death

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~song of the day~
Bad habits - Ed sheeran

Gray's POVI'm halfway into the house, walking through the dark narrow hallway when I hear voices from the other side of the house

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Gray's POV
I'm halfway into the house, walking through the dark narrow hallway when I hear voices from the other side of the house. I cloak my gun and hold it down next to my thighs as I make my way around. My eyes snap up to the security cameras, and I carve my body around the areas of view to avoid them as much as  I can.

There's a louder voice roaring from the floor upstairs. Whoever was talking sounded furious, thumping the ground with their boot-like shoes.

"How could you let one man. One fucking man play you," The voice is firm and angry.

"Jelly was the one in charge. I went to pee," another voice speaks up defensively.

Two voices. A third-person reference.

That means at least three people were present upstairs.

The first voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place my hands on who it was.

"What about the cameras?" the first voice asks.

Luca. It was Luca. He sounded a lot different when angry.

"Out. He took them out, " an entirely different voice replies.

I look up to the cameras I had been avoiding all afternoon, and that's when I noticed the red lights were off.

"The bastard could have taken off, " Jelly growls. A clattering sound follows his voice.

Typical of Jelly to ruin things when he's mad.

"Fuck, shit. Tiger's on his way here, " Luca says breathlessly. "He's gonna kill us all."

The room is silent for a while, with only pulsing sounds heard. "I'm calling a lockdown, " Luca declares.

My eyes widen at his words. A lockdown?

"Woah, a lockdown?" Jelly objects, voicing out my exact thoughts.

Lockdown meant end game. It was the code for kill or be killed. At that moment, I realized I just walked in at the worst time possible, and I wasn't going to get out alive unless I killed everyone present.

"And it's kill on sight, " Luca growls.


"I don't care what my father says! Kill him. When you see him."

Before I could put on foot in front of the other, a door to my left yanks open, and I'm hauled inside.

My hands instinctively reach for my gun, but the person beats me to it. He kicks my gun from my hands with his shin, pinning me to a wall.

Then the cold metal makes contact with the skin of my forehead, drawing blood from my veins. He levels the revolver, pressing the gun deeper into my bones.

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