43. Hurt

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~song of the day~
  Way back home - Shaun

I'm standing at the veranda, waiting for Fawn to return with our drinks

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I'm standing at the veranda, waiting for Fawn to return with our drinks. She had been telling me about her feelings and how she felt used by Zyair.

To be honest, I felt guilty at some point because I had urged her to go for Zyair since she liked him. The same way I advised Ashley a few years ago.

Suddenly, my wrist is gripped and pulled back into a room by a strong pair of arms. "Fa-, "

My words are caught in my throat when I come face to face with Luca. I fold my arms over my chest, trying my best to mask my panic. "What do you want?"

He doesn't say a word, silently grilling me with his eyes. He drops his head with a sigh, letting his eyes stare at the ground. "You hate me."

Oh, really? What gave it away?

"Why are you here? Are you trying to kidnap me again?"

His head shoots up, an almost sad look in his eyes. "That wasn't my idea. I protected you, Dove!"

"You tried to shoot my legs!" I narrow my eyes at him angrily. He was manipulatively trying to make himself a victim of the circumstances.

"I had no choice!" He leans forward, trying to reach out to me.

"You did! You had a choice and made your decision! That's on you!" I flinch back, swerving his hands.

"It's clear you don't see me because you are blinded by Gray. You saw Gray murder someone, but you still chose him!" He yells, his chest rising as he fumes.

My eyes widen as realization dawns on me. He knew. Luca knew about Gray all along.

"You knew! You took me to that restaurant on purpose. You wanted me to see Gray kill a person," I narrow my eyes, shaking my head in disbelief. He had been fucked up from the start, but I was too blinded to see it.

"Did you ever even like me? Was it all to get to Gray?"

Luca shakes his head and opens his mouth both no words come out. "I lov-like you, Dove. You won't believe me, but I do care about you, " He furrows his brows, his lips turned downward.

"You don't try to kill someone you love. I know Gray would rather die than shoot me, and I'd do the same for him. Why? Because we are in LOVE, " I say my words slowly, not caring about his feelings.

He could go to hell for all I care.

Luca's eyes visibly darken at my words, and I smirk, knowing I'd hit him where it hirt. A mischievous look spreads across his face, and he points at a red dot light on his chest. A light I had been too angry to notice.

"Do you know what this is?" He asks, a small smirk playing on his lips.

I knew what that was. Anyone who watches movies knows what a red light emitted from outside means. A gun. Someone must be on another building, pointing a gun in our direction.

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