34. Sacrifice

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  ~song of the day~
Million Reasons - Lady gaga

  ~song of the day~  Million Reasons - Lady gaga

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Dove's Pov

I'm back in my prison room with my hands uncomfortably handcuffed behind my back.

Luca is seated on a black sofa, opposite me, his head in his hands. We've been like this for a while, and he had refused to say a word to me.

He slowly raises his head up, and I dart my eyes to the ground, refusing to meet his stare.

I feel him get up from the sofa and take long strides towards me. He stops a few inches from where I'm seated on the floor and sits on the floor.

I inch further away from him. My wrist and hands are bloody and torn at this point from escaping the handcuffs, making every movement I make painful and unbearable.

"Can you please look at me?" I hear Luca's gently voice.

"Are you sure?" I snort. "I find it hard to control my facial expressions, so you might not like how I'd look at you."

He heaves a deep sigh and raises his hand to touch my face. I flinch away, turning my face to the left, ensuring my hair covers my side profile.

"Dove, this isn't my fault. It's all Gray's fault, " He begins to speak, his voice calm and empathetic. "Did he tell you? Did you know that he's in a gang?"

I keep staring at the ground, biting my lower lips to stop the mixture of anger and sadness flowing through me.

"God, Dove. If it weren't for me. Lord knows what type of dirty warehouse they'd have taken you to, " He continues, tapping the rug impatiently.

I laugh out loud- a sad, bitter laugh. Lifting my head, I glare at Luca. He had on the most caring and sympathetic expression on his face. He could have fooled me. An actor is what he is.

"Thank you, " I reply dryly. Luca's face lits up for a split second. He opens his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it. "Is that what you expect me to say?"

"Dove-, "

"If you wanted to be such a nice guy, couldn't you have said, let's not kidnap her, " I raise my shoulders for emphasis. "I mean, that's what any sane friend would do."

"Well, who the fuck said I wanted to be your friend, " He barks, his cheeks flushed with anger as he stands on his feet.

I tuck my lips in my mouth and close my eyes, shaking my head as a soft sigh escapes my lips. "Did you- Did you even like me?" I choke on my words, memories of how nice he was flooding my head.

Was it all an act to get to Gray?

He points at me with his fist. "You see, that's when it all went wrong."

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