62. One last time

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~song of the day~
Graduation- Vitamin C

   ~song of the day~  Graduation- Vitamin C

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Dove's POV

The sky is a clear dark blue color, cold and unsettling, sporting a few white spots- some sparkled while others didn't. It was a vast, eternal space that brings appreciation to the coziness of home. The car roars to life, trailing its tires down the road while occupying four people within its seats- Gray, I, Ashley, and Zyair.

Amy, Zoe, Aaron, Elliot, and Jake tagged along in Jake's car. I still didn't like Amy as the thoughts of when she tried to steal Gray from me arises in my head at the mere sight of her, but I wasn't against her coming along. We needed all the help we could get.

I felt quite bad about leaving the rest of the senior class out of it, but Zyair had said the fewer people that know, the better our plan would go. However, all I knew was that there's no way the school would allow another senior prank day after what we do tonight.

Tomorrow also happens to be inspection day, a big day for the school principal and teachers like Mr. David, our homeroom teacher, who enjoys sucking up to the higher authorities.

"Did you get the keys?" Zyair asks Jake once we pull up to the parking lot and meet with the rest.

"Would we be here if I didn't?" Jake raises his hands, jingling the keys with a grin.

Ashley and Aaron pull out the materials and boxes from the car and place them on the ground as Jake opens the school gates.

"Ladies and gentlemen. This is it," Jake widens his arms as the gates crooks open. I check the time on my phone, which read midnight. The school grounds are as quiet as a graveyard, which felt weird because I've been used to it being as loud as a Coachella party.

My eyes run over the eerily dark building with the dim street lights overshadowing it. A chilling feeling creeps up my skin, and I wrap my arms around myself.

"Are you sure we should do this?" I raise a questioning brow.

I was excited on the way here, but now that we've arrived, I couldn't help but second think about our decisions. We could get caught, and knowing Mr. David, he wouldn't let it slide. It would only be a bad record on our report, especially for Ashley and Gray with their scholarships.

"Do you want to go to the school farm and wait for us then?" Jake turns his head to me mockingly. "You know, chill with your fellow chickens."

I roll my eyes and walk over to Gray, who was pulling a cart our way. We had spent the entire day coming up with different prank ideas, compiling them together, and I was pretty satisfied with my contribution.

For months now, the school's heater has been broken, forcing us to come to school in multiple layers of clothing while the school promises us the heater would be fixed the next day. But as usual, their next day never came.

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