44. Heartbreak

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~song of the day~
  Dancing with your ghost - Sasha Sloan

All my throughout my relationship, I've always been worried about Gray ending our relationship and breaking my heart

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All my throughout my relationship, I've always been worried about Gray ending our relationship and breaking my heart.

Never did it cross my mind that I'd be the one to hurt him. With each taunting second that passes after my previous words come out, my heart slices deeper at his deafening silence.

When I finally open the car door to step out, he speaks. "You're kidding, right?"

I remain silent because I don't trust myself to not take back my words at the sight of his broken face.

"Kelch?" His voice comes out as soft as a gentle caress.

I open the car door and walk out, unable to keep listening or seeing his face. Gray follows me, taking long strides. It doesn't take long for him to walk past me to stand directly opposite me.

He places his hands on my shoulders, his brows slanted in a frown. "Are you really going to do this to me now? I need you most, Kelch."

I push his hand away from my shoulders. My head turned down. " I really can't do this anymore. I don't want anyone else to get hurt."

"Anyone but me, right?" He scoffs, biting down on his lower lip. His voice is the softest I've ever heard it, and it does nothing but break my heart more.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"No! I don't know what you fucking mean. This is why I never wanted to let you know. I knew you'd just leave me like you are doing right now."

"Jay got shot! Aaron might still get shipped off to another country soon! Who the fuck is next? If ending things between us would make Luca leave our friends, then why can't we?"

Gray and I could get back together later in the future, but right now, our friends' happiness and sanity are what should matter most. They shouldn't be on a hit list just because they are friends with us. I know I'd never forgive myself if they get hurt because of me.

"You really think we dating is the reason they are still after me? That's the worst breakup line ever, Kelch. You always manage to surprise me every fucking time," His voice is icy, piercing into my heart with each word.

He glares at me, an unfathomable expression swimming through his deep ocean blue eyes as he turns away from me.

"You say that like I've always been the problem in the relationship. You cheated!"

His hands stop halfway on the doorknob, and he snaps to face me. His eyebrows are slanted in a sad frown, while his lips curl up in a contrasting quirky smirk. "You're never going to forgive me, are you?"

"I already feel bad enough about it! I don't need you to make me feel worse about myself. If you want to break up with me. Fine! I knew you wouldn't stay till the end anyway!"

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