Chapter Two: Mystery Meat

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~2 weeks later~

One day, Danny invited me, Sam, and Tucker into his home after both our parents went out for their job. He was excited to show us what their parents were up to down in the lab. I only got to see a sneak preview of it when I first arrived, but I never got a full tour of it. "Smile!" Sam said, taking a picture of Danny by the Fenton Portal. I managed to escape being in the photo.

Danny blinked from the flash and shook his head. "Can we go now?" he asked. "My parents could be here any minute." I walked over to him and through the Portal out of curiosity. "Besides, they said it doesn't work..."

"Come on, Danny." I said, making an impressed whistle. "A Ghost Zone?"

"Yeah, aren't you curious?" Sam perked up.

"You've gotta check it out." I encouraged. "Come on, our parents are ghost fanatics. There's no other reason for us to not check it out. It's in our blood, Danny!" Danny held up the black and white jumpsuit as he stood next to me. "I know that doesn't make any sense, but you know what I mean!"

"You know what, you're right." He said, finally convinced. "Who knows what kind of awesome, super-cool things exist on the other side of that Portal?" I helped him put the jumpsuit on. Ever since my parents and I moved to Amity Park, Danny and I have been pretty close friends. So when we say one thing that discourages us, the other encourages.

"Hang on." I mumbled. I took off the sticker that had his dad's face on his chest. "Can't walk around with that on your chest." Danny looked at me confused, and then once he zipped up, he headed his way inside. Tucker, Sam and I peered from a distance and watched him walk further inside.

We heard some sounds whirring from inside the portal and my eyes widened. The bright, green light appeared and all we heard was Danny screaming in agony. "Danny!" I yelled.

The green light disappeared and Danny comes stumbling back out of the Portal, smoke popping out from his clothing. We hurry over to him and I tried to hold him by one arm, but it phases through me. Danny drops a bit to the ground and I notice his snow, white hair with emerald, green eyes.

Sam and Tucker grab his other arm, and we try to help him up again, but even when they helped him up, Danny would phase right through them. I thought to myself as I covered my mouth, "This is all my fault..."


~One month later~

"I think I should tell them." Danny said as we walked up the stairs to class the following morning.

"Why?" I asked, even though I was still blaming myself for what had happened. If it weren't for me, Danny would still be normal.

"Parents don't listen." Sam agreed, and we stopped walking for her to catch up. She didn't realize it herself that she was ignoring the bigger part of the picture. "Even worse, they don't even understand! Why can't they accept me for who I am!?"

We all just stared at her in surprise. "Uh, Sam?" Danny spoke up. "We're talking about my powers. My problems?"

"Oh right," she sheepishly said, "Me too..."

"It's been a month since the accident, and I still barely have any control!" Danny said and suddenly sunk to the floor. "If somebody catches me, I go from geek to freak around here!" My heart sunk as he frowned. I thought about leaving them and avoiding them for the rest of the year. I couldn't bring myself into this.

"Kind of like what you're doing right now?" Tucker asks and Danny panics. I grab one of Danny's arms and Tucker grabs the other arm and we haul him back up from the floor. Once his legs become tangible, we let him go and he lands on the ground.

"Oh, darn it!" Danny muttered. "If my dad can invent something that accidentally makes me half-ghost, why can't he invent something that turns me back to normal?!" He clenches his hands into fists, but then shoves it into his pockets. As he does, he turns invisible completely and Sam, Tucker and I try to follow him. The vending machine start moving back and forth and we catch up to him once he appears again. Danny frowns and I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Danny..." I said, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault, but listen, these powers make you unique. Unique is good!"

"Yeah," Sam smiled. "That's why I'm an ultra-recyclo vegetarian!" She crossed her arms proudly and totally lost me.

"Which means...what?" Tucker came up beside me.

"She doesn't eat anything with a face on it." I replied.

"Oh, who cares about that stuff." Tucker rolled his eyes. "Danny? (Y/n)? Two words. Meat connoisseur." He bent over and sniffed at the both of us individually. "Last night Danny, you had sloppy joe. And..." He looked at me as I crossed my eyebrows in confusion. "You had burgers last night."

"Wow." I whistled as Danny says, "Impressive."

"How do you do that?" I asked, with my hand on my hip.

Tucker had a smug look on his face, "Meat heighten the senses, and my all meat streak is fourteen years strong."

"And it's about to end..." Sam hummed. "The school board finally agreed to try a new cafeteria menu! I wore them down."

"Wait..." Tucker mumbled as I exchanged an alarming look with Danny. "What did you do?!"

After class, the boys and I dreaded going to the cafeteria to see what Sam had done. The banner on the wall had letters saying, "This WEEK. Ultra-recyclo vegetarian." One of the lunch ladies placed a bun with grass on top of my plate, and I walked away frowning. "What is this?" I asked. "Grass on a bun?"

Tucker turned to Sam and shouted at her, dramatically, "What have you done?!"

"Tucker, it's time for a change..." Sam said.

We sat down together at our usual table in the back. Danny had a spoon-filled bun with grass and we all just stared at it oddly. "Don't you think this is a little extreme, Sam?" Danny asked.

"Ah, Miss Manson." A voice said. Sam and I turned to Mr. Lancer standing behind us. "The school board wanted me to personally thank you for ushering in this welcoming experiment to our cafeteria." Like a bloodhound, Tucker's senses went wild. He was sniffing the air like crazy.

This was a little strange, even for me. Things couldn't get any worse, could it?

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