Chapter 23: Vlad

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"I'd...uh, better let Jack in." Mrs. Fenton said, cutting off the awkward tension.

"Whoa, cool!" Danny walked over to one of the displays. A football was signed by one of the most famous players.

"Indeed." Vlad said. "This ball was autographed by the legendary Ray Nitschke himself!" He held it up to him and pulled it closer. "It's my prized possession."

"Heads up, V-man!" Mr. Fenton shouted from afar. That was when Vlad woke up to reality. I stepped behind Danny to steer clear of Mr. Fenton tackling Vlad away from us. "Ha, I see you still got the old moves!"

"Give me that!" Vlad snapped, snatching the football from him. He placed it back down on display, and pointed at Mr. Fenton. "I never had any old moves. All those years hospitalized robbed me of that!" The seven of us stood in place, staring at him blankly. He seemed very bipolar. In fact, it was not as mom and dad described him over the phone at all. Vlad relaxed and ruffled his tuxedo. "Yes...well, it gave me time to chart out a course for my life, didn't it? Make some decision that helped make me very wealthy very quickly." My arm rested on Danny's shoulder casually, and I placed my finger over my chin to ponder. "And it never would've happened without you, Jack."

We were just standing there, awkwardly quiet, and even Mrs. Fenton was concerned about the bipolar-ness. "Uh, yeah..." She said, to break the ice. "Maybe we should go..."

"No, no, you should stay with me!" Vlad said, walking over, placing his arms around Mr. Fenton's shoulder and my dad's. My parents looked like they started having second thoughts about working under Mr. Masters, and I don't blame them. "That's the whole reason I'm throwing the reunion here in my castle, previously homed to the legendary Wisconsin Dairy King. Just so I could reconnect with you, Jack. I insist you stay. You as well yourselves, Mr. and Mrs. (L/n), we still have more work to discuss anyways downstairs in my office."

"Well, we really do have a cool RV..." Mr. Fenton said.

"Let's stay here." Jazz coughed.

"Smooth." Danny said, unfazed.

"You know, Mr. and Mrs. (L/n)..." Vlad said. "The Dairy King's ghost could haunt these walls...Who knows what research you two can gather?"

"I'll get the bags!" Mr. Fenton rushed out of there before my parents could speak.

That night, everyone stayed inside their rooms. Some of us shared rooms, and some of us didn't. I stayed with Jazz, but because I couldn't sleep in my room, Danny and I were awake in his. The both of us felt odd staying here, but we knew that from the get-go. We've been up for a while talking, and getting closer by the minute. Suddenly, I saw the blue smoke coming from Danny's mouth and he gasped. "What is it?" I asked.

"Oh great..." He said, looking around. "Just what I need, (Y/n)...A working vacation." I looked away from the bright lights as he changed into his ghost form. "Stay here, okay?" I nodded from his bed, and watched him fly out of the room.


*Danny's POV*

I flew to the direction where my ghost sense was leading me to, and heard footsteps above me. I made my hands and arms turn invisible to drag my dad's body down from that floor. Of course it was that time of night where he needed the restroom. I flew out of there before he could notice me.

I headed back up the floor and found those three familiar looking vultures from the night before. I had fought them before, and they were my reason last time I was late for my 10pm curfew. "Hi guys, remember me?!" I announced and smacked my hand against my fist. They looked at me, screamed and scrambled away. "Okay...That was almost too easy."

"Ahh...bright boy." I heard a voice say from behind.

"Oh, whatever." I said and approached him. "I was aiming for the birds, but you'll do."

The ghost before me with a cape raised an eyebrow. I started to swing a punch at him until he grabbed my wrist. He turned me around and threw me at a wall, catching me off guard that I had no time to turn intangible.

"" I had my hand over my head. "Better stop fooling around."

I got back up, and approached him again, but he ended up putting me in a chokehold. He pulled me up to him and I grabbed at his hand. The next thing I knew, I was back down on the ground.

"My vultures was supposed to bring the big idiot to me, but you'll do!" He taunted me. "Danny Phantom, right?"

" know me?" I asked.

"Of course I know you." He turned invisible and I watched him fly backwards into a wall. I followed after him into a reading room. "You're the ghost boy who uses his powers for "good". Oh, quaint. Aren't you going to shove me into your ridiculous thermos?"

Who does this guy think he is? "I...I don't want to fight you." I said. Especially if I don't really know who he is.

"No, no you don't." He said, raising his left glowing, red hand at me. He fired a red ghost ray and it hit me hard. I was knocked back against the table and slid off.

I got back up to fire a green ghost ray back at him and said, "Get away!"

"Ah, an ecto-plasmic energy blast!" The ghost said, releasing a shield in front of him. I started to become angry, and fired some more rays at him, but each time I did, he moved the shield. "So...year one. Tell me, child, could you do this yet?!" He started to form clones in a circle around me and I was shocked.

"No!" I said. "I can't. How are you doing all this?"

"Years of practice." him and his clones combined said in unison. "Which you, unfortunately, have no time for." Every one of their hands clenched into fists, and it glowed bright red. They all zapped me.

I screamed out in pain, and struggled to get up from the ground. I looked up and finally saw one ghost. I had my hand out over my rib cage and I panted heavily. Vlad raised both of his hands to ready another attack and I panicked. I received multiple blows and grunted in pain. I phased through the wall, and ended up changing back to my human form, unconsciously.

When the ghost followed me, I faded out so I couldn't hear what he had said. "The ghost boy is Jack's son?!...Well, what do you know..."


*(Y/n)'s POV)*

"Danny..." I said, shaking him awake in the middle of the night. He had fear marked all over his face and I needed him to get out of the nightmare he dreamt about. "Danny, wake up!"

"No!" He shouted, and I moved away from him as he moved around in his bed sheets. "Get away!" Danny finally woke up, and I frowned at him. "(Y/n), where am I? What happened?"

I didn't answer. Instead, I turned to Mr. Masters who walked forward. "I was going to ask you the same question, young man." he said from the doorway.

"What's going on?" Danny asked me.

"Mr. Masters brought you here after finding you unconscious." I said. "I should be the one asking you what happened."

He placed his hand on the back of his head and smiled shyly. "I must've been worn out from the car trip. (Y/n) gets worried when I don't get enough sleep. We'll be okay in the morning. We're sorry for the scare."

"Oh, what's a little scare between friends, son, hm?" Vlad asked. "Sleep tight, you two, and I'm aware you know you're way back to your bedroom, (Y/n)?" I nodded and waited until Danny fell back asleep. I knew he was going to tell me about it later anyways, so I just followed Vlad outside and headed back to my room.

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