Chapter Twelve: The Hunter

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*Y/N POV*~

"Here we go, Danny!" Tucker said. "Home in time for some well deserved rest!" We stopped walking to hear his PDA making a funky ringtone. He pulled out his tablet and took a look at the schedule. "But, keep it quick because you've got thirteen minutes!"

"Danny?" I called out to him, but he gritted his teeth nervously. He opened up his bedroom door, and we all followed behind him. Suddenly, a ghost appeared right in front of us. I placed my hands on Danny's shoulders, with my eyes widened.

"Hello..." the man whispered to him with a creepy smile. "Ghost child..."

Danny's jaw dropped when he was recognized by him, and the ghost lifted up his arm. A net popped out from his machine, trapping Danny inside. The ghost grabbed me and pulled me in with them. "Danny, (Y/n)!" Sam and Tucker shouted after us.

"Wait, why me?!" I yelled from inside the room. The ghost shut the door close behind us, and I looked down at Danny, scared.

"A human ghost child and the female ghost hunter in their natural habitat." The ghost said and we were both speechless. I was too shocked to be embarrassed by that statement.

"Who are you?" Danny demanded to ask.

"Also, what do I have to do with any of this?" I asked.

"I am Skulker." He replied, then looked at me. "It's because he knows that you are vulnerable without him and his main focus is you." Skulker answered. "He'd do anything to protect you, female."

"I've got a name." I rolled my eyes.

He held up a projector on his hand that showed us a cage of ghosts that were trapped. Of course, Skulker ignored me and continued to tell us more about him. "I am a collector of all things, rare and unique." He glanced at Danny, "And you, Ghost Child, are that and more." Skulker gave an evil laugh and stomped on a rocket laying down on the floor.

"Hey, my rocket!" Danny glared. "I built that!"

"Pity though," Skulker commented, disappointingly. "I'd hope that you'd put up more of a fight..."

"Oh, don't worry." I said, with confidence. Danny changed right then and there as if on cue. I watched him turn into Danny Phantom and he phased right through the net. "He will and I will, too!" I reached out to Danny as he threw a punch at the ghost's face. The ghost let me go, flying far back as possible, and I fell into Danny's arms as he caught me in mid-air.


*Sam and Tucker's POV*

"That's the ghost from the zoo!" Sam yelled as the two pulled on the doorknob.

"Danny? Or (Y/n)?" Tucker asked in confusion.

"No!" She shook her head, "This other guy!" She winced when she heard (Y/n) scream in pain from a heavy blow.

"Danny!" (Y/n) shouted in fear. Sam and Tucker stopped immediately when they heard another crash.

Jazz downstairs spoke up, "Hello? What's going on up there?"

Sam and Tucker both hurried downstairs while trying to think of an excuse to throw them off.

"You know," Jazz said to Connie. "Ghost hunting isn't really the only thing my parents do, Connie. It's really a side interest! What they're really into is-!" Her words faltered as they heard something rumbling from upstairs again.

"Ghost!" Jack shouted. "Ghost, ghost!"

Sam and Tucker walked downstairs casually and looked at everyone. "Kids, get down." Maddie said. "Where's Danny and (Y/n)? There's a ghost in the house!" She turned to her husband and said, "Honey, we need (Y/n's) parents to help us find it."

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