Chapter 16: The Party

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The next day at school, Danny got even worse. His focus was not on all of us anymore. "Seriously, Danny." I said. "Ever since you got that invitation, you're all about the "in-crowd"."

"Come on, (Y/n)." Danny smiled. "That's ridiculous..."

"She's right, Danny." Sam said as he waved to Kwan excitedly. "It's like..."

"Hey, Fenton, come here!" Dash called out to him.

"We're not even here..." I finished for Sam, and we listened to the conversation from a distance.

"If you're coming to my party, you have to look the part." Dash instructed and handed Danny a magazine. "This is what we're all wearing Saturday. Very high-end, very hip, very Dash. You do have one, right?"

Danny blinked several times and realized he was broke. "Huh, oh, yeah! Oh sure, I have two. That's how hip, and high-end I am." He shyly smiled up at them.

"Well, wear one. I might've had to invite you, but if you embarrass me, your sister is going to be doing a thesis on your bruises!" He raised a fist up at him and we watched the jocks leave.

We walked up to Danny once the conversation was over and Danny said, "Oh man...this must cost a fortune! Where am I going to get the money by Saturday?"

"Y'know..." Sam spoke up. "I almost hate to offer, but-"

I knew Sam was going to lend him the money for the jacket, and I was more surprised that she was going to give in to what he wanted. "Hey, Danny!" Paulina shouted. "You wanna hear my new CD? It's really crunk!"

"Is crunk good?" Danny asked me, and he was smiling big again.

"It's Paulina." I said.

"Crunk's good! Be right there!" As I watched him run over to sit as close as he could to Paulina, Tucker and Sam got angry.

"Okay, this is getting really annoying." I mumbled as I stomped away to class.


"It's a perfectly good vacuum motor, Mr. Lancer." Danny said. "Only used once! Ten bucks." We were sprawled out on different sections of the tables at Danny's place. Each one of us had a job to try and sell most of this old equipment.

"Looks to be in fine shape..." Mr. Lancer examined the item. "This should fix my hair hornet very nicely." He smiled and handed Danny the cash.

"Hair hornet?" Tucker smiled and asked, "The crazy vacuum cleaner slash hair clipper they sell on T.V? Don't you need hair for that?"

Mr. Lancer glanced up at his bald forehead and realized what he said. "Good one, Mr. Foley." he said, snidely. "I'll remember that on Monday when I'm grading tests." Once he walked away, me and Sam headed over to them. I handed Danny another ten dollar bill.

"We just sold a toaster." I mentioned. "You know, I'm surprised your dad's letting you sell off all his stuff. He's a pack rat."

"Yeah, well..." Danny said. "He's been planning on getting rid of this junk for a long time. He won't even miss it! I hope..."

Tucker opened up a mirror to start sunbathing. "I'm pleased with the turnout today." He said. "We're doing a really brisk business."

Danny counted his change. "I'm still twenty bucks short of what I need for those sweats!"

"You're still welcome to hang with us tonight..." Sam said. "Mega movie marathon at my place!"

"Your place? Wow, you never invited us to your place before."

"That's because we're usually fighting ghosts with you." I pointed out.

"Yeah, and I've figured it's time to-" Sam started to say.

"Hey, Fentina!" Dash shouted.

"Wow, you just ignored all of us for the billionth time this week." I said as he hurried off. "I'm so not surprised."


*Danny's POV*

"Jazz is giving me so much extra school work that my computer's overloaded." Dash said. "Got anything to make it work?"

"Oh sure do!" I said, grabbing a couple of things from the box. "This motherboard, and this Portal's XL operating system will make it work like it's brand new!" Dash took it and examined it. "Twenty bucks takes it all, and I'll even add this upgrade disk."

"Done. See you tonight, and just because I can't believe I'm saying it, I will say it again: I will see you tonight." He grabbed the disk from my hand and tossed the cash at me.

"Twenty bucks?" I stared at it with glee. "I'm in! Oh, geeze. I better get to the mall before the shops close." I hurried over to my friends. "You guys don't mind cleaning up for me, do you? Great, see you!"

Sam folded her arms angrily. "So now we're your boyfriend's clean up crew too?" She grumbles to (Y/n).

"I'm telling you, he's not my boyfriend." She said with a sigh.

They looked over to Tucker who was already running away. "See you both tonight!" He waved them off and the two girls growled in annoyance.


Tucker and I arrived at Sam's place that night and rang the doorbell. "Right, that's two medium. One pepperoni, and one veggie." Sam spoke into her phone as she opened her door for us. We walked on in. "Put it on my tab. Hey you two!"

"I hope they hustle." Tucker said. "I'm starved."

"Me too!" I said with a smile and that was when the doorbell rang. We looked over to see the delivery guy and I was already being drawn to the aroma of the pepperoni pizza.

"Here's your pizza, Sam." the delivery guy said. She took it and tipped him with cash.

"Thanks, Nate." Sam said.

"Ten bucks? Thanks, Sam!" He hurried off and she closed the door.

"You tipped a guy ten bucks?" I asked with my eyes widened.

"Whoops!" Sam said. "Sorry, I thought it was a one. Come on, you two, we're watching movies downstairs!" We followed her down the steps to a whole movie theater. Tucker and I were gaping with our jaws dropped.

"This is your downstairs?!" We said in unison. We saw a whole popcorn and soda machine off to the side. Pillows were sprawled out on the ground and there were a few leather seats off to the back side. On the other end of the back corner, we saw a couple of retro arcade games too.

"What, too much?"

Tucker nodded and I was speechless.

"I know, I should've told you guys this a long time ago, but my family's kind of filthy rich." Sam said, laughing nervously. "Weird, huh?"

That was when we stopped in place, setting our stuff down. "Whoa, time out." Tucker said. "You're loaded?!"

"My great grandad Izzy was an inventor." Sam explained. "He invented that machine that twirls cellophane toothpicks?"

"You're the deli-cellophane-toothpick heiress?!" We exclaimed sitting down on the leather chairs.

"No way, Sam, that's awesome!" I said, grinning from ear to ear.

"If this is too much for you both," Sam said, opening up one of the pizzas, "We can do something else."

"Are you kidding, Sam?" I said. "This is the greatest thing ever!"

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