Chapter 22: Bitter Reunion

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A couple more weeks have past by after the battle with Pointdexter, and things almost got out of hand when Tucker turned into a ghost like Danny. We managed to fight off the evil in Tucker, and those two made up after the argument. It was mostly about Danny being the only hero around Amity Park, and it was also mostly about Tucker jealous of Danny.

Today, my family was over at the Fenton's place, and they were working on another invention in the livingroom. Danny was getting scolded by his mom at the time and Jazz was reading off to the side. I was helping mom in the kitchen with the plans they have for the next stake out.

"Danny, this has been becoming a problem." I overheard his mom say. "You are constantly late coming home, especially on some nights with (Y/n) when her parents are over-"

"You're shirking from your chores..." his dad mentioned off to the side.

"Your grades are slipping..." His mom said, raising her hands.

"You're shirking from your chores..." his dad said again.

"You've already said chores." Danny said, and I was giggling from the kitchen. Mom and I came back out and I went to go sit down next to Danny.

"I know, but when you don't do them, I get stuck with them."

"Look, I'm under a lot of pressure!" Danny started to say. "You two have no idea what it's like being a kid today."

"Come on, Danny, that's the oldest excuse in the book." his mom said, crossing her arms. "There's nothing you're going through that your father and I didn't go through when we were your age..."

I looked over at Danny to see that he fell through the couch. His arm turned invisible, and he started freaking out. I also panicked and grabbed the pillow to hide it from his parents. "Yeah?" Danny muttered. "Well, I beg to differ..."

"The reason Danny doesn't think you can relate to him is that you never take the time to tell him about your childhood!" Jazz said, and we looked over to her.

"Jazz!" Danny whispered to her.

"Have you ever told him about how you met? About your first date?"

"Jazz, don't you think you're going a bit overboard?" I asked.

"Where you went to college?"

"You know, Jasmine, that's a great idea." Mr. Fenton said.

"It is?" Jazz and I asked.

"What is?" Mrs. Fenton asked.

"This is!" Mr. Fenton held up a paper that had a 20th year college reunion in Wisconsin. "You can come with your mother and I to our college reunion."

Danny's jaw dropped, and they started stammering. "I can...?" Danny asked.

"Wisconsin?!" Jazz asked.

"Sure!" Mr. Fenton said. "My old pal, Vlad's throwing a huge shindig there!"

"Hang on," Mom spoke up. "Did you say Vlad?"

"He was the fellow that hired us to research ghost activity here, wasn't he? He mentioned his name was Vlad Masters." Dad said. "You guys were college friends?"

"Would you guys like to join us?" Mr. Fenton asked. "We can take the RV so the whole family can go together. Since the (L/n)'s are working under him, they can learn about our old college days and while we drive, you kids get to hear us blather about ghosts!"

"Won't that be fun!" Mom agreed with a smile. "Oh, we should start packing."

A cylindrical machine dad and Mr. Fenton were working on started overloading and we all stared at it. The tube started moving around all snake-like, and green goo substance poured out from the end, landing all over Jazz's face.

"It works!" Mr. Fenton laughed, and beamed with excitement. "I can't wait to blather on about that, too."


"How did this happen?" Jazz asked herself as we took the Fenton RV on the road the following weekend. "You goof off, (Y/n) does her own thing, and I have to spend four days jammed in the Fenton ghost RV?"

"That's the Fenton family ghost assault vehicle, folks!" Mr. Fenton said at the wheel. Mrs. Fenton held up the map just to know they were heading to the right area. "Every button in this baby is a ghost's worst nightmare."

"Ugh..." Danny said. "I need some air."

"Don't press any buttons!" I said as Danny reached for one that may or may not have been a window opener. He ended up pressing one, and laser beams shot out from all around the RV. We watched what happened from the window and I backed away from when Jazz got sprayed in the face with the same substance from last night.

"I'll get you for this..." Jazz angrily said to him.

That night, we stopped at a resting place and parked. The seven of us were packed inside together with barely any leg room. "Get some rest, everybody!" Danny's dad said, holding a teddy bear with him. "I want the entire Fenton clan and (L/n)'s up bright eyed and bushy tailed when we meet Masters tomorrow." My family was already sound asleep.

"Masters, as in, Vlad Masters, right?" I asked. "Who's named affluence magazine's Billionare of the Year"?" 

"That's the guy, (Y/n)!" He said. "In college, he was my best friend. We were very popular guys. Roommates, lab partners, we did everything together. Until the thick fingers of fate stuck themselves right in Vlad's eyes." He told us the story about the first miniature Ghost Portal they ever built with Vlad and Mom, and the accident on that day. "He was hospitalized with a case of Ecto-Acne. It was devastating." Mr. Fenton explained. "And it killed his social life! We haven't spoken since that day." Danny turned to me and I was starting to fight the urge to fall asleep in my sleeping bag. "But the good news is I think that after all these years, he's finally forgiven me!"


The following morning, we sped our way through the roads and finally met up at a gigantic mansion. Mom and Dad's manager stepped out from the building and smiled. He wore a tux, and was very stylish. He noticed us first and said, "You must be the (L/n)'s. How are things?"

"Things have been pretty good so far, Mr. Masters." Mom said. "Lots of ghost activity appearing in Amity Park like you said over the phone."

"Yeah," dad said. "You weren't kidding."

"And you must be (Y/n). I've heard a lot about you." Vlad said to me. I looked over and didn't know what to really say but nod at him. "It's finally nice to meet you three and well, welcome to your doom-" I tilted my head as his words trailed off. "I mean, welcome to my humble abode! We have many things to discuss, especially payment for the (L/n's)." Then, he looked over to Danny's family, but more importantly-. "Maddie!" He said with delight. "You've ever looked lovelier, my dear. Please, please, all of you, come in."

We walked inside the mansion, leaving Danny's dad out of the building. We could hear him muffling. "What's with the green and gold?" Jazz asked. "You're a billionaire!"

"Yeah," I said, snickering. "Surely, you could afford an interior designer."

"(Y/n), hello?" Danny said, catching my attention. "Football helmets, jerseys, Cheeseheads? He's a Packers fanatic."

"Right, and I'm into sports, how?" I asked.

"Hello?!" His dad called out again.

"Oh, fanatic is such a negative word..." Vlad said, placing his hand on his head. "But yes."

"I don't understand either." Jazz said. "You have billions of dollars! Instead of buying all this stuff, why don't you just buy the team?"

"Because the Packers are owned by the city of Green Bay, and they won't sell them to me!" Vlad angrily said, and that was when the vibe was gone from everyone else. Mom and dad were surprised at his tone and he fixed it. "One of two things my wealth hasn't yet been able to acquire." Vlad sent a flirtatious smile at Mrs. Fenton, and Danny leaned over to me with a whisper.

"Is he hitting on my mom?" He whispered and I shrugged.

Jazz overheard and also whispered before walking away, "As long as he's got working toilets, and mom says no, who cares."

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