Chapter Five: School Lunch Battle

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The following morning, Danny and I walked to school together. I wanted to catch up with him because it felt like it's been a while since it's been us two.

We were talking about how crazy it was that both our parents got along really quickly. He mentioned that his parents were coming to school to investigate on some ghost that was haunting our school and I thought it was the one we were already fighting with now, but apparently his parents think it was his sister Jazz as a ghost.

I giggled at that, but then I remembered my parents also in suspicion about Jazz being a ghost, so I told Danny, "Wait, if your parents are going to come to school today, that means mine will be there too doing their research..."

"Seems like it." Danny said, and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Do you think that things really will return to normal between Sam and Tucker?" I asked. "I feel like it's my fault they're in this argument..." Before Danny could answer, I didn't realize he stopped in front of me, so I ended up bumping into him. I was about to ask what happened, and then I looked up over his shoulder.

On one side of the school, there was a meat festival. People dressed up in t-bone steak costumes were manning the grills and balloons of meat were strung on some parts of the area. A whole crowd gathered to enjoy their feast. Tucker arrived on the stage after he had a few dancers dressed up in hotdog costumes do a little show. I facepalmed already when he started chanting that meat was the best thing that existed.

"Uhm, remember when we said that things would return to normal?"

"Yep." Danny replied with a frown. "The universe lied to us."

We both looked over to the other side of the festival where Sam had arranged a vegetarian one. Hippies crowded around the school bus that she was on top of, and held up a sign that says, "NOW". She was also chanting how veggies were a priority until she saw me.

Sam hopped over in front of me, and Tucker in front of Danny, squeezing us both in the middle. Uh oh. "You guys put together two protests in one night?" Danny asked.

"Meat eaters, guys." Tucker said. "Always ready to fight, and our high protein diet gives us the energy to do it quickly."

"Ultra-recyclo vegetarians are always ready to protest!" Sam leaned over to me a little too closely. I backed up into Danny. "And because we don't have to waste any time cooking food, we can move even faster."

"Don't you guys think this is a little extreme?" I asked, then winced when Tucker moved closer.

"No choice, (Y/n) You two are either with me-" Tucker started to say.

"Or you're against him!" Sam snapped.

Danny and I were squeezed against each other when they ended up yelling together, "So, who's side are you two on?!" We both had a frightened look on our faces, not entirely sure what to say, and that was when a huge gust of wind appeared. Papers flying everywhere, and we all stopped to notice. We heard the lunch lady laugh manically, and Danny's senses went off. Meat exploded from one of the trucks, and swirled to meet up to form the gigantic meat monster, but two times larger on this scale.

"It's lunch time!" the lunch lady roared at us, and all of the protesters started running away except for the four of us.

"Meat!" Tucker said, and started sobbing. "Why have you betrayed me?!"

"Tucker..." I started to say, "Now's not really the time here!"

"(Y/n's) right." Danny said, and looked at the both of them. "Guys, time to make up. Now!" Sam and Tucker collided into a hug and I made sure no one watched as Danny transformed into his ghost form. Once they broke off the hug, Danny flew up to the monster who tried to punch him.

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