Chapter Thirteen: Skulker

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I turned around to Danny, and we noticed the handcuffs disappeared as soon as Skulker was gone. "What happened?" I asked, lending my hand out. He took it and stood up.

"Who cares?" Danny asked, keeping his hand in mine. "At least I've got a minute to relax and figure this out..."

We both looked down for a second, and I quickly pulled back before anything else. I was more surprised that he held it for more than a second.

"Danny? (Y/n)?" A voice said from above. "There's somebody here who wants to meet you!"

"D'oh!" Danny quickly said with a wince. "My room! (Y/n), we've got to go!"

He picked me up bridal style and we both flew away from Sam and Tucker, and that caught me off guard. "Danny, wait!" I said, and saw myself turning invisible. I closed my eyes and braced myself when Danny flew through the ceiling. Once we were in his room, Danny quickly changed back to normal and set me down gently.

"Danny, Y/n?" his mom asked and opened the door. "This is Connie! From Genius Magazines!"

Danny left my side and abruptly closed the door on them. "Don't you people ever knock?!" He put his back against the door and we both exchanged shocked looks. Both my hands were already covering my mouth. "Jazz is going to kill me for that, and worse, she's going to expect something else!"

I thought I heard Jazz behind the door, but I could only make out a little bit of what she said and I swear I thought I heard her say, "I'm going to kill them both for that, and I always knew they'd be up to something."


The next day we met up with Sam and Tucker at school, and Danny was looking around frantically. "Any sign of him?" he asked.

"Nope," Tucker said, looking at his new PDA. "He hasn't been bothering you for thirty-eight minutes. Maybe he's hunting somebody else now."

Sam and I exchanged odd looks. "How many of those things do you have?" I asked.

"Just two." Tucker said. "Good thing I beamed all your info in here and backed it up. Global thinking, Danny! The sign of a quality time manager!" He pushed Danny inside the school quickly and I giggled when Danny almost tripped. "Come on, you're late!" Sam and I walked up to Tucker with a smile and we followed him in, with the bell ringing.

After English class with Mr. Lancer, we followed Danny to his locker. At this point, everyone has already disappeared, and when he opened it up, glowing chains shot out towards him. They wrapped him up tightly like a Christmas present and we were all surprised.

"Danny!" We shouted, helpless. Skulker appeared right before Danny, and he glared at him.

"I have you now, Child!" Skulker announced, aiming a laser at Danny. We heard the beeping sound from Tucker's original PDA, and he looked over to read what it said. "What...? 'Go to the newstand and purchase magazine with article about purple back gorillas?'..." His gear activated the wings on his back and the three of us back away from Skulker as it guided him away.

When Skulker was gone, Danny was set free. "Hm..." Tucker said, "I had the same thing on mine...."

Danny rubbed his shoulders, "I think we'll blow that one off."


On our lunch break, we met outside the football fields and sat on the bleachers away from the crowds. Danny looked miserable. Tucker was eating his yogurt, and Sam was reading a book. "Danny," I said, "Eat something..."

He sighed at me, "I can't eat now, he could be anywhere."

Tucker finished eating his meal and looked at a carton of milk. "Hey, this food was scheduled to be eaten." He opened up the carton and a blue orb pops out of it, and swirls to cover Danny's face whole. He was screaming, and we turned to him.

"Danny!" We shouted. We watched as the orb lace around Danny's neck, and we turned to face Skulker behind him.

"Now, boy. Once more, I, Skulker, shall-!" The PDA interrupted him again and he grumbled to himself. "Take photos of gorilla?" He flew away again and the orb disappeared from Danny's neck.

"Well, at least he's a regular..." Sam muttered.

"Yeah...Almost like a schedule!" Danny said. "What's the next thing you have scheduled for me, Tucker?"

"Gym." Tucker glanced. "Why?"

Just like that, Danny's plan was in motion as he sent a knowing look to me and smiled mischeviously. I frowned, wondering what he was thinking about.


*Danny's POV*

I walked over to my locker, and then I stopped before I could open it. It was time to put my plan into action. "Hey, Dash?" I innocently asked. "I'm too weak and defenseless to open up my locker. Can you open it up for me?"

Dash glared at me, and I smiled at him. I waited aside with Tucker who was confused on what was happening. "Out of the way, loser." Dash pushed me aside. I wasn't bothered by it at all. Dash lifted the handle, and got trapped by an ectoplasmic goo bubble.

Skulker floated over to him and examined him. It worked! "Hm." Skulker hummed. "My sensors indicate you're an average human, destined for an average life after high school." Dash couldn't see as it was covered in ectoplasm. He started screaming, but they were muffled screams. Tucker and I peeked out from behind the lockers. Skulker started to attack me for the billionth time today until the PDA interrupted him again. "Visit the gorilla display at the museum of Natural History?" The wings activated on his back, and Skulker frowned. I almost started to feel a bit sorry for him.

"Why's he going there?" Tucker asked.

"When Skulker put your PDA into his technology, he became bound to my schedule." I said. "He has to go where I was going to go next! Which means..." I held up Tucker's PDA. "It's time for the hunter, to become the hunted... Come on, we've got to do something a little ahead of schedule." I grinned at Tucker and we headed out of there.

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