*BONUS Episode* 13 (Part 1)

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*(Y/n)'s POV*

It's been about a week since Danny and I defeated Ember and threw her into the Ghost Zone. 

Tonight, we were  out late at night with Sam and Tucker on our next stakeout, and I was being chased by a ghost squid

You heard me right. Ghost squid. Can't my night get any worse?

I looked behind my shoulder to see it. The ghost squid was white, with green spots around it's body, and I managed to see its tentacles flailing about as it chased me down the neighborhood.

I was terrified. I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket and started speed-dialing Danny. "Come on. Pick up, pick up..." I panted while the ghost squid was hot on my tail.

"Hello, (Y/n)?" Danny replied after it clicked through. 

I found myself being cornered in an alleyway. "Danny, help, ghost squid!" I exclaimed. 

"Ghost squid?"

"Near our neighborhood. Help!"

I was greeted with a brick wall when I turned down an alley, and found myself cornered. 

I looked up at the ghost squid who looked extremely angry, and it spewed ink at me. My first instinct was to protect myself with my arms over my head, but suddenly, my whole body turned invisible. 

I looked at myself in confusion, and saw Danny already flying overhead. He smiled at me and I returned the smile.

"Hey!" He shouted at the ghost squid who spewed ink at him several times. "Easy on the ink. I just had this suit cleaned."

"Is that seriously the only thing you're worried about there?" I asked, and he winced. Danny smiled sheepishly at me.

Once the ghost squid was taken care of, Danny flew down to me and I sighed in relief. "You okay?" He asked me, and before I answered him, his cellphone was ringing. I leaned over to listen since I saw that it was Sam calling him.

"Wolf thing!" Sam said, her voice sounding distorted over the line. "Big ghost wolf thing. Down by the Nasty Burger!"

Danny slung the thermos around his body with the strap attached to it, and swooped me off my feet. I yelped in surprise and we flew off together with my head leaning against him.

We saw Sam with her back at the wall of the Nasty Burger and she started screaming in fear. Danny let me down gently and he went for the wolf.

"Down boy!" I shouted at the wolf, and Danny was already on its back. He grabbed onto the wolf and put the Fenton Thermos over its head. 

"Yeah, don't eat that!" Danny said. "It's a vegetarian." The thermos sucked the wolf up and Danny put a hand over his forehead. We walked over to him and he sighed. "What a night...Every time I turn around, there's a ghost."

As if on cue, his phone rang, and he pulled it open. "Danny, ghost snake!" Tucker said. "By the park!"

Danny already sped off, leaving me and Sam behind to help Tucker.


*Third person POV*

"I gotta stop carrying around so much geek gear." Tucker muttered, with his face at the ground. He ran until he tripped over the backpack strap. He was trying to put his technology back in the backpack, until his foot got caught in it. "It's gonna be the death of me." A shadow loomed over him, and he looked up at the snake in fear. "...Literally!" 

The snake hissed at Tucker, who put his hands over his head. 

"Where are all these ghosts coming from?!" Danny shouted, tackling the ghost away from his best friend.

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