Chapter 30: Control Freaks

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*Danny's POV*

"And I thought that, "the merchandises flying off the shelf" was just an expression." I said as I phased through the windows of a jewelry shop. My hands formed together and I created ghost rays to blast it at several, invisible, thieves. They were all dressed up as freaks. "Whoa...Who are you guys?" One of the ghosts, who were smaller than the bunch, flipped towards me and jumped on my shoulders. He wrapped his hands around my face and started to pull on my mouth. My mouth was wide opened and I tried to pry his hands away. Then, he let go and placed his hands over my eyes. "Hey, I'm not a hat person!" I finally hauled him off my shoulders. "Especially if the hat is a dwarf!"

I threw him away and he landed on one of the displays. Glass broke and alarms went off.

I started to fly away, until a ghost with a muscular tone stopped me. "Okay, all things considered, maybe the tiny hat guy was better-" I said and he wrapped his hand around me whole, starting to squeeze the life out of me. I grunted in pain and he tossed me at a different direction.

Another ghost, who was a female, wrapped herself around the nearest pillar. She stretched her body and created a slingshot. I landed in the middle of it and was flung backwards on the floor. 

The last ghost, wore a red cloak, and they loomed over me. She revealed herself covered with tattoos and nose rings. Her tattoos came to life, and the little monsters attacked me. I backed away, starting to get annoyed with them in the way.

I started to glow with ghost energy around me and turned myself into a ball. I managed to preserve that energy inside that ball and released it, pushing all the tinier ghosts out of the way. They all spread out and I got to use them to my advantage.

I found my balance in the air and stood normally, "You know, it's ghosts like you that give ghosts like me a bad name!"

Then, we heard the sirens coming towards the jewelry shop, and I ended up forgetting about the display cases breaking. I saw the police car roll by and all of the ghosts I've fought, grabbed the jewelry. They turned invisible and fled the area. When they phased through the ceiling, every piece of jewelry fell on me.

The policemen barged through the door with a baton. "Freeze, Inviso-bill!" one of them said and I stood there frozen in shock.

"Although it's hard to come up with a worse name than that." I commented. I turned invisible and sunk through the floor to escape.


*(Y/n) POV*

"Goodmorning, you two!" I heard a voice say and winced when someone opened up the curtains. Sam and I were having a sleepover one night, just to hang out. "And how do we greet the brand new day?"

I rolled over and placed a pillow over my head and groaned.

"With a smile on your face and an attitude of gratitude!" Sam's dad answered. They pulled the curtains wide open and Sam sat up from her bed.

"I'm a creature of the night," Sam folded her pillow over too. "Doomed to a family of morning people."

"I hate to say it, Sam." I started to muffle, "But I'm starting to regret the decision that we spent the night at your place instead of mine. I'd rather deal with a family of paranormal researchers. At least they don't wake you up in the morning blathering about ghosts."

"Me too, (Y/n), me too..."

"Uh, Sam?" Her mom said, walking over to the other side of the bed. "Sweetie? I'd thought we maybe try to mix it up a little with the wardrobe today." She showed the floral pink dress to her and I looked over with a giggle.

"Nothing says "Hey world! Look at me!" her dad provided.

"Okay..." Sam said, and reached under her pillow. "I need to add just one little personal touch!" She grabbed a spray can and changed the pink dress to a shade of black.

"You keep those under your pillow?" I asked.

She also grabbed a huge pair of scissors and cut a majority off to make it a short dress, styled specifically for her.


We ended up getting ready for school, and started eating breakfast together. "Up next, is your teenage daughter moody?" a news reporter said. "Certainly. Is her outlook blacker than her eyeliner?" I casually sipped a glass of juice while Sam looked over to her parents who glared. "Take an act of interest in your child. Know who her friends are."

Then, her parents eyed me and I held up my hands defensively.

"Learn to recognize a bad influence when it walks in your door."

"Hey Sam!" Danny said, barging in as if on cue. I suppressed a smile and shook my head. Everyone's heads were turned so they didn't notice me do that. "Hey (Y/n)! I got that morbid, anti-social youth CD you wanted, Sam." Sam's parents glared at him. "What? Have you heard, "My Parents Reek"? That cut rocks!" The atmosphere in the room felt very awkward after that. 

" Freakshow!" a voice said on the TV and we averted our attention to it. "Ringmaster of Circus Gothica...where your nightmares come alive. Circus Gothica...where the clowns never smile. Circus Gothica...come and get your freak on. With real freaks. Circus Gothica! Coming to Amity Park." We all turned to face a ringmaster with white makeup plastered on his face and black eyeliner and a top hat. He had a red glowing, swirling staff as well. "Crossover to the dark side..." he finished with an evil smile. He was showing us all different kinds of people that were wearing tattoos, and nose rings and some skeleton juggling skeleton heads.

"Crossover to the dark side..." Danny said, all trancelike and we all stared at him.

"Now there's some evil mind pollution that we won't be seeing anytime soon, sweetie." Sam's mom said to her. She turned off the TV and Sam was shocked.

"But we already bought our tickets!" She said, and we walked up to Danny.

Both her parents eyed me and Danny and wasn't convinced whatsoever, and I had done nothing wrong!

Sam sighed, "We'll be fine. It's just harmless entertainment, right guys?"

I nodded but Danny was still mesmerized. "Danny?" I asked.

"Crossover to the dark side..." He answered, and I blinked.

"Hilarious." Sam mumbled. "Can we leave now or do you want to stay and corrupt my grandmother?"

Sam and I grabbed each of his arms to drag him out of the house before things got even worse. I grabbed my stuff and Sam closed the door behind us. I was standing next to Danny, waving a hand in his face. "Danny..." I said with concern.

"Will you quit messing with my parents?" Sam asked. "That's my job."

"What?" Danny finally asked, blinking several times. He looked at me and Sam and did a double take. "Sorry you two." He rubbed the top of his head. "Must've gotten a little spacey. I was up pretty late last night. How was the sleepover?"

"It was fine, we had plenty of fun." I said with a smile.

"And just watch what you say around them." Sam said. "They're already thinking I'm on the road to trouble teen hood."

She started walking away. "Where are you going?" I asked. "School's this way."

"The Circus Gothica's train pulled into town last night." She said happily. "I'm cutting first period to watch the opening ceremony at the train station."

This time, Danny and I exchanged looks. "Sam..." we said.

"Take it easy, you two." she said. "Tucker's got first period free. He's covering for me."

We watched her run off and I said, "Don't blame us if you get caught!"

We went back the other direction until Danny pulled me out of the way. I watched as a ghost dwarf ran past us with a bag of money. "And speaking of getting caught..." Danny mentioned. We looked up to see some ghosts flying overhead with more bags of money. "You head to school. I'll take care of things here and then I'll meet up with you and Tucker later." I nodded and headed down the sidewalk before the bell rang.

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