Chapter Six: Parental Bonding~

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*(Y/n) POV*

High school dances. Great.

It was everyone's favorite and least favorite time of the year. I sighed miserably because I didn't like the idea of dressing up, and also I didn't want to go through the effort of trying to ask a certain someone to be my date to the dance. It just seemed very time consuming.

I met up with Danny and Sam at lunch today and took a seat next to Sam who already dug into her salad. We were all talking about the upcoming dance until Tucker sat next to Danny. "Strike three, Tuck?" Danny asked as Tucker perched his elbows on the table.

He pouted, placing his head on the palms of his hands. "Try strike three-thousand." He mumbled.

"I don't see what the big deal is about going to some stupid dance..." I said, placing my bagged lunch down on the table. "I don't need to be asked to some dance to know I'm special."

Sam smirked at me, "I take it you're not going?" I narrowed my eyes at her to show her I wasn't joking. "It's alright, neither am I. Too much to worry about."

"I just think its-" I started to say, and then Sam elbowed me. "What?" She tilted to her head to the boys who were spaced out with drool hanging from their mouths. We looked over to Paulina, the most popular girl in school.

"Oh, please..." Sam said in annoyance. "Paulina?"

"Girls like her are a dime a dozen!" I spit out as I shoved my spoon into my yogurt. Danny and Tucker turned to each other and started reaching for their pockets.

"How much change you got?!" Danny said, and I laughed sarcastically.

"Very cute." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Just remember, you can't judge a book by it's cover." Sam said, crossing her arms.

"Well, there's only one way to find out!" Tucker said and the two of them sat back down. I gripped my spoon tight as I knew what he was about to say. "Go on, Danny, go to that library and check out that book!" We watched as Paulina sat down by a tree to open up her lunch box.

"I can't!" Danny said, desperately. "I get weak kneed when I try to talk to cute girls."

I blinked, twice even, to realize what he had just said. After all this time I've known Danny, he thinks that I'm-? "Oh," I glared at him. "And you have absolutely no problems talking to me or Sam." Danny stammered, and tried to apologize to me. I sighed and gave up. I walked over to Danny to haul him up on his feet and said, "Skip it." I rolled my eyes. "Go give your weak knees some exercise." I shoved him away and watched him stumble on his own feet.

We all watched from afar to see how things were going with those two.


*Danny's POV*

I sighed, taking a deep breath and placed my hand on the tree. "Hi, I'm-!" I said and found myself phasing through the tree. I ended up losing my balance.

"Please don't say you've suddenly fallen for me. That line is so last semester." Paulina said, taking a bite of her lunch.

I regained balance and stood up to try again. "Yeah, I! I'm-I'm Danny." I struggled to speak, and I was already blowing it. My pants turned invisible and it fell to the ground, causing everyone around us to laugh. I felt so embarrassed that I was looking around frantically. I looked over to (Y/n), Sam, and Tucker for support, but they were also in shock.

Paulina was laughing. "A gentlemen usually tips his hat," She smiled at me, "But I'll give you points for originality!"

I felt sad, knowing that I blew my big moment, and stood there with my pants still down until (Y/n) placed a hand on my shoulder. "Kudos, Danny." Sam said next to (Y/n), "You just set an all-time speed record for drowning in the shallow end of the gene pool."

Paulina looked away for a second, and sent a glare at Sam. "Oh, no!" She spat. "You did not just call me shallow, did you?!"

"If you mean, do you think she could stand in a puddle full of you and not get her feet wet, then yeah." (Y/n) replied, shrugging with a smile. "That's exactly what she means."

"Shallow?" Paulina repeated. "I am not shallow!"

"Come on, Danny." (Y/n) angrily said, pulling me away from Paulina.


*(Y/n) POV*~

Another day has passed and I met up with my friends at the food court in the mall. Danny was explaining how he "overshadowed" his dad in a parent-teacher conference with Mr. Lancer. In short, he was basically possessing him, making him chaperone to the school dance in a couple of days. "So, your dad is going to chaperone the dance?" Sam asked.

"Yes, but he doesn't know he's going to chaperone because I made him say yes!" Danny said.

"Let me get this straight." Tucker, who was clearly not listening said. "You can just walk into people and take over their bodies from the inside?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Tucker looked up to see a pretty girl sitting at a table ahead of us. "Hey, Danny!" He wondered. "If you could control a girl for just about 2 minutes-?" I quirked a brow and made a disgusted sound

Danny also looked over to see what he was getting at, and said, "Forget it." He waved him off. "You can get your own date to the dance, like I did."

When he said that, my heart sunk, but I hid my emotions. I should've asked, but I didn't, and now I'm regretting it. I was hoping that Danny would've been the one to ask me out to the dance. If he wasn't going to later in the day, I was going to do it myself.

"Does he have to take off his pants and act like a dweeb?" Sam asked. "Or will either one do?"

I laughed, but I stopped when I noticed she looked a little bit depressed. We all know Sam, but maybe there was something she also wasn't telling us. I was more surprised she finally got the guts to say it now. "Honestly, guys." She said. "I'm glad I'm not going to the stupid dance. Saves me from the embarrassment from wearing the lame dress my parents bought me." Sam nervously laughed, but this was weird for her to admit to us how she feels.

"So no one's asked you, huh?" Tucker suddenly asked, without tact. Under the table, I kicked him in the shin. He winced and let out a yelp. Everyone else looked at us.

"Still dateless, Tuck?" I asked, and he pouted.

"And you're not?" he asked me.

"Maybe if I was as pretty as Paulina..." I accidentally said, but there was no going back.

"Why are you so down on her?" Danny asked me. "So she's pretty, it's not a crime."

"Looks are deceiving, Danny..."

Suddenly, people were screaming and running away. We all looked at Danny who had blue smoke coming out from his mouth and he gasped. "Ghost time," Tucker said, and held up his fries. "Can I finish your fries?"

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