Chapter 11

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"I failed."

Season 3 Episode 5
"The Reckoning"

Holly remembered the day she entered the little town called Mystic Falls as if it were yesterday.

The hot sun that felt almost unbearable on her skin, the mingling citizens that sent curious and amazed glances at the pale skinned blonde and her ride. Her beloved baby, whom she simply had to share with her eldest brother. Holly always felt out of place in the small town, in their ruffle and loud events, all their gossiping and small chatter that tormented her ears. Their kind smiles and stuck up behaviour, always kissing up each others butts.

Holly felt like she was suffocating under all that pressure and their habit of always sticking their noses into each others business. She liked her peace and quiet, without having to amuse anyone nor their wishes. Without a hair on her tongue, Holly could never get used to the way the people of the town hid things from each other. Things that were reality. She didn't like sugar coating things because she wouldn't want anyone to sugar coat it for her.

Holly could never fit in what she thought was the town she was born in. And now, perhaps it all made sense somewhere in the depth of her mind.

She was never made to fit into their standards. She was never supposed to meet the goals of their society, she was just a passerby in the grand scheme of things.

And that was okay.

Holly always laughed at fitting in anyway.

Klaus was quick to catch onto the gang's plans for the night and as soon as they had pulled up to the school he left the car with instructions for Rebekah to remain with an unconscious Stefan whose neck Klaus had been snapping whole day long. Holly had kept Rebekah company for a little while, until her brother began to stir and she sped into the school, not wishing to face him just yet.

It wasn't long before she caught onto their voices. Klaus's gloating yet anger and Elena's pleading tone. Her best friend, the sister she never bargained for. In true honesty, Holly didn't blame Elena as much as she blamed her siblings.

Elena wasn't even sure she would walk out of it alive, but her brothers were cooking up a plan and lied to her blatantly without considering how she was feeling. Holly was dying inside with every breath she took, the guilt eating her up on with the thought that she didn't do anything to help when she could. Yet they were living blissfully, free of Klaus's leash except for her and Stefan, free of supernatural drama, no worries in their minds.

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