Chapter 15

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"Who in their right mind let a grandpa organise homecoming? Its like freaking bingo night,
I like it."


Season 3 Episode 9


After the incredible night they had spent, Holly and Klaus departed early in the morning with little to no words and different motives in mind.

Whilst Klaus had left with the thought of murdering every single member of the Scooby-doo gang, Holly departed from the Quarry with heavy guilt laying on her chest and Caroline's number flashing inside of her brain.

Anger and guilt were often mixed. A pair they were, that came together more than once to torment the minds of those who believed that they had done wrong when in fact, they haven't. Guilt, directed towards the people they think they have harmed. Anger, towards themselves for ruining what little peace and sanity they had left.

Holly had awoken in confusion, and upon turning in the arms of the man she held ever so dear, she found his sleepy, incredibly handsome face staring straight back at her.

Holly couldn't help herself as she nestled into his arms, her fingers gently grazing his features, as if trying to engrave every single detail into something as simple as a touch. She wondered, how someone who can do so much wrong, bring so much chaos and pain can look so angelic as he slept?

But she didn't dwell on the thought for too long.

Upon realising in whose arms she was sleeping, Holly quickly and silently left the comfort of the makeshift bed in the back of his trunk. Her heartbeat was sky rocketing, her hands clammy and droplets of sweating rushing down her skin.

What had she done? She couldn't deny the joy she felt when she was with him, but she also couldn't deny the guilt that crippled inside of her veins as the faces of her brothers slipped before her eyes.

Holly knew that their betrayal could hardly be compared to her own, but a heart of a sister never truly stops loving. And never stops aching, so despite their incoherence of being the brothers she deserved, Holly still couldn't allow herself to do something that could potentially harm them.

Glancing back at the calm and sleeping form of the male, Holly cracked a soft smile without intention. Leaning down, she left a lingering kiss to his forehead before quickly sprinting away and leaving no trace of ever being there.

Except for the memories that burned in their heads and her intoxicating scent that remained in the air.

Unbeknownst to her, Klaus had been laying wide awake from the moment she had begun to stir in his arms, up to the moment she left. And the softness of her kiss left him grinning like a mad man, but the sorrow that she felt infested in his heart as well.

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