Chapter 16

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"You know what sucks the most? The fact that I can't hate them. Not when I'm willing to give up my life, my happiness and the love of my life for them."


Season 3 Episode 11

"Our Town"

What was the true meaning of life?

It is something everyone asks themselves at some point in their lives. Be it in their darkest or brightest of times, we are all searching for a glimmer of hope that will give us the correct answer. But there isn't one.

Life is unpredictable. One second it is there, the next it disappears in the form of the dust that we often shake from the soles of our feet. But even life cannot derive on its own, so it appears again. In the form of a butterfly spreading its wings and soaring high into the sky with a new breath in its small lungs. It lives in the loud cries of a newborn child, in the tears of a mother thanking God for bringing her child to light, in the strength of a father who is always to stand behind, beside and in front of his family.

It is in each and every beat of our hearts, tormenting us in each moment, reminding us of the power it holds. Of the power God holds. Of the mercy we are given, of the chance we so easily spend bothering ourselves with things that won't matter tomorrow. So they shouldn't matter today.

As an immortal, Holly never truly knew what life on its own meant. She lived every day knowing very well she would wake up tomorrow, there was no excitement, no hope, no desire for her to fight for every breath she takes. It was an undying source she could always take from, and she hated it.

Through the course of her life, the only thing Holly ever wanted was to be normal.

Normal to the world, normal to her family, normal to her father. But instead, she had grown to be everything he hated. The abomination he carved to perfection with his own two hands.

He made her be what he feared most.

And there was nothing she enjoyed more than becoming the subject of his hatred.

Holly was a resilient spirit. She hated her father and his misogynistic ways and had no fear in showing it, despite the constant pleas of her brothers and her father's threats and beatings. Nothing could shake her nor make her waver, she made it her life's mission to antagonize her father even if it led to her doom.

Her mother cared very little for matters that concerned her. One would think a mother would hold the outmost love for her one and only daughter as we so often see in the many movies living our fantasy. But none could truly ever be reality.

Lily Salvatore regarded her daughter as if she were nothing but a mere stranger, a waste of air, space, and all the money she had to spend to make her the least presentable so she wouldn't smear their prestige reputation.

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