Chapter 1 - Gorilla

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Cherry Pov - 

I am Kaoru Sakurayashiki, a dancer of one of the most elegant forms of dance, ballet. Under the alias of Cherry Blossom of have become somewhat popular among the dance community, famous even. Because of the status I have obtained, I have the permission to practice in the dance studio of my home town with other ballet dancers. At the moment practice has ended and I am walking out of the studio only to see a start of an argument on the sidewalk right on my path.

"Why do you prissy ballet dancers get to use the dance studio and we can't?!" A man calls out to the group of female ballet dancers walking out of the dance studio.

"Well isn't it obvious? Ballet is a more dignified and better type of dance than you small street dancers." One of the girls callout while walking toward the man. "I mean you guys dance on flattened cardboard boxes and on the sidewalks with no routine or agenda planned."

"Why you little brat!" He walks even closer to her for intimidation. "How dare you insult us, if it's a fight you want, you will get one!" He reaches a hand over and grabs onto the collar of her shirt.

'This has escalated enough.' I walk over and remove his hand from her collar and get in between the two. "This could be reported as an attempted assault and battery. I would suggest you to refrain from going any further." 

The man tensed up and furrowed his brows. "Is that a threat?" He asked.

"It's a warning. I do not tolerate violence especially to one of my dancer peers." I replied.

"So you are another prissy Ballet Dancer-" Suddenly a hand patted the man's shoulder.

"Bro, that is not the proper way to treat a lady..." A much larger, muscular man said while lightly pulling the man away from my view. "Sorry Miss for his actions, he's just mad at the moment." He then flashes a smile and grabs my hands, "My Name is Kojiro, and I ask you to forgive his actions-"

"Just because he was in a foul mood doesn't mean he has the right to start a fight and attempt to hit a person." I say with an annoyed tone, pulling my hands away. "Keep an eye on your so called 'Bro' so this situation doesn't reoccur. He should apologize to my acquaintance properly and keep that temper in check. " The man, Kojiro, has a look of astonishment on his face as if he expecting me to accept that half-assed apology from some friend of the person who did some thing wrong. I start walking away than I suddenly stop and look behind my shoulder at him. "Also I am a man you Idiotic Gorilla." I then walk away toward the direction of my house.

Joe Pov - 

I stand on the side walk where I was just scolded by a very feminine looking man... "What just happened..?" I mumble under my breath... Usually I can charm anyone, men, woman, non-binary, gender-fluid, etc. I thought no one could resist my charm, but it seems I was wrong. I see the group of female dancers about to leave with their still shocked friend in close arms. "Excuse me ladies?" I ask softly. Some stops and look back at me with a look of annoyance that quickly changes into a blush.

"Y-yes?..." one of the girls say looking flustered.

I shine a smile at her. "Could you please tell me about that person that was here a moment ago?"

"O-okay... He practices dance at the studio with us, he is very talented and beautiful, especially when he dances! He may think of the rest of us as just acquaintances but we look up to him and usually refer to him as captain since he helps up improve!" The girl rants with a sparkle in her eye. "He's just so amazing! With many accomplishments, he is very much popular within the ballet community!-" She suddenly stops with a gasp and covers her mouth. "Sorry for ranting on! It's just that Captain Sakurayashiki is my inspirations and heroes!" She says shyly with the girls that stayed behind just nodding in agreement.

"It is fine miss, I appreciate the info." I smile and wink at her and she swoons into her friends arms. 'I'm not used to girls ranting about another guy so happily around me. Makes me kind of pissed off... But is he really that amazing? Like sure he has an attractive face... With beautiful golden eyes... Silk hair that looks soft soft to the touch... And- ' I snapped out of my thoughts. 'I'm not attracted to that girly boy!' I decided to take my mind off of this encounter.

I took out my phone and went onto one of my favorite playlists to dance to, no thoughts, no worry, just the feeling of bliss when I am in the zone. When I dance on the streets I don't notice the crowds of people or hear the chatter until the playlist ends. I'm usually in my own world until 4 pm-ish, but since I had some things on my mind I went on until sunset, I noticed how late it was so I grabbed my phone. When I started walking in the direction towards my housing complex I noticed something beautiful in the corner of my eye near the front doors of the dance studio. A flash of a beautiful Cherry Blossom Pink...

This is the end of the first chapter, I hope my dear readers enjoyed! I'm not all too good at writing but I'll try my best to make this story entertaining! :]

'Opposites Attract' --Matchablossom-- Dance au *Joe x Cherry*Where stories live. Discover now