Chapter 6 - Connection

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Cherry Pov -


The gorilla looked like he had turned into a sad puppy, his eyes looking down at the concrete side walk with a small disappointed frown, his hands behind his back. With a sigh I started to walk further into the park.

"Hey Shorty! Where are you going?" He said looking back up at me.

Looking back at him a little flustered I said. "Well are you coming or not." 

The gorilla smiled while jogging over to my side. "I knew you would want to spend time with me in the long end!" Shifting his bright smile into a cocky grin.

"We will be partners for a long while, may as well tolerate each other." I stated composed.

"I guess. You seem very stiff, why don't you relax a bit. It's just us, open up a bit and let's get to know each other." He slung an arm over my shoulders. "So, when's your Birthday?" He asked leaning down to my field of vision. "Mine's in July! July 7th to be precise!"

Sighing I unreluctantly answered, "I was born on March 27th, I am in my early twenties. I have been dancing since I was 6 years old, I grew up in this town and have been practicing in the studio for more than 15 years." I look him in the eyes. "Is that all?"

"Y-yeah, I think that about covers it... So is your hair dyed or naturally pink?.."

We talked while strolling around the park, engaging in small talk, asking questions, and ultimately getting to know each other's character. We walked for what seemed to be the whole rest of the day until we had to walk our separate directions home. Waving bye to each other we parted ways knowing we will see each other the next morning.

I walk toward my house in a happier mood than usual. 'I haven't spent that much time with anyone since high school.' I thought as I came to my house's door, unlocking it and walking in just to collapse on the couch. 'I forgot how draining it is to be around others. I guess I should head to sleep and skip my extra practice.' I thought sending a quick text to the director, walking into my room and passing out on my bed.

Waking up I feel refreshed and enthusiastic about today, no Idea why, but this is a pleasant feeling. Sitting up I preform my usual routine, taking a shower, eating a quick snack and then leave my house to walk to the studio. 'I wonder how today will turn out?'

Joe Pov - 

I wake up the next morning with a smile excited to go to rehearsal and see a certain short ballet dancer. 'Yesterday I think we became friends, he really has such a cute personality with such a cute figure.' I think with a small blush resting on my face as I get ready to leave my apartment. 'Once he relaxed a bit he was very chill to be around. Seeing that side of him makes me want to see it more, to break down those walls he puts up and see every bit of him the ugly and the beautiful alike.'

Walking to the studio, I notice that it wasn't nearly as bright as it usually was during the time I usually leave my home. I pull out my phone to check the time finding I left an hour earlier than when I should be at the studio. 'I guess I was so excited for today I ended up waking up early and I was so hasty that I ended up leaving after putting on new clothes.' 

I chuckle to my self as I think about what I should do in the mean time. 'Maybe I should just walk around town, maybe I'll get lucky and run into shorty on my early morning stroll.' A smirk formed on my face as I think of the reaction pinky would have. 'Would he get angry? Flustered? What ever it will be, it will be cute!' Thinking while walking with my hands in my pockets looking at the sky until I felt something collide with me.

I look down seeing the small, pink haired person I just wanted to see on the ground holding their gym bag. For the first time, I see him with his hair down, sort of, the work pretty immediately enters my mind.

I reach out a hand to him. "You ok there shorty?" I ask.

"Yes, no thanks to you." He says taking my hand with an aggravated expression. "What are you even doing so early in the morning? Rehearsal doesn't begin for another 45 minutes." he askes as he pats off his clothes.

"I could ask the same thing to you." Quietly hoping he was up for the same reason.

"I usually wake up this early, I just decided to leave early to get dressed before all of the other guys come, as well as work on the mash up of songs." He looks up at me. "Now answer my question." he demanded.

"I just decided to take a short early morning stroll today." I look away with a small smile and a small nervous chuckle as I rub the back of my nape. "It got kind of lonely though, I guess today I got lucky running into someone."

'Well, the only someone I really wanted to see.'

He looks away flustered. "If that is the case, you can come join me. I don't mind." He said in a cute, quiet voice. "But you are NOT follow me into the dressing rooms, It's just creepy when you have no reason to be in there." He said back to his stern voice.

"Who said I have no reason being in there?" Leaning down closer to him.

"Well you don't exactly have anything to change into and during practice. While we are on this topic, why don't you where a shirt? It could become a distraction to the other dancers." A light blush appearing on his face.

"Are you distracted by it?" I ask with a smirk.

"N-no!" He said as he started strutting flustered with me walking beside him.

'Cute, I just love seeing his reactions.' I smile at my thoughts. "So why are you the only guy in the ballet dancer group?" I ask. "Are you interested in any of the girls there?"

"What do you mean by that?" He looked at me confused.

"I mean romantically interested. There are a lot of cute girls their." I said with a resting face, not really looking forward to hearing his answer. I mean he is cute and has a feminine figure, but he still is a guy.

He stayed quiet for a little until he answered. "I've never really thought about that kind of thing." he says with a thinking face. "I don't think I'm attracted to any of the girls, we are just acquaintances with mutual respect for each other. I'm not close enough to them to feel any romantic interest." He looks up at me. "Why do you ask?"

'Opposites Attract' --Matchablossom-- Dance au *Joe x Cherry*Where stories live. Discover now