Chapter 3 - Decision

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Joe Pov -

The next morning I had made a final decision about the directors offer, but I need to see what my street dancer friends think about this one time chance. I basically stood up some of the night thinking if dancing in a real studio is worth it, if it meant I had to stay in a room with attractive female dancers and a trap... Hell yes! I mean, I wont be able to spend any time with the ladies while dancing, but after practice I can flirt to my heart's content! Got to give the ladies what they want!

Later in the morning I left to our usual place on the sidewalk in front of the dance studio. I usually leave my home in a some what happy mood, but today I'm leaving with a kick in my step and a smile ready and loaded.

After a couple of blocks of walking I have arrived on the sidewalk  where a few of my friends were already doing some warm up stretches before the rest get here. 

"Hey guys!" I greeted them.

"Hey Joe! Glad you finally decided to show up!" He says as he slings his arm over my shoulder. 

"You seem pretty chipper this morning huh? Anything good happen?" Another guy winks over at me.

"Well... Actually I got some pretty great news!" I smirk to my self. "But I'll keep it to my self until the others get here." 'hehe'.

While we wait I do some standard stretches, nothing fancy like what the ballet dancers probably do. The other guys arrive one after the other until the last guy shows up and I decided to give them the directors offer.

"Now that everyone is here I have some great news! you all probably know I've been talking to the director of the dance studio to give us a nice place to practice and hangout. Well-"

"So we got approved?!" A guy yelled happily amongst the group of guys.

"Well yes, but we got a condition." I say with a nervous laugh.

"So we have to clean the building or something?" Another guy questioned with a laid back tone.

"Well actually we will have to share the studio room. With the ballet dancers."

Frustrated sighs and grunts from the street dancers. "I felt that disappointment when I heard the news too. But just think of it this way! We will be dancing in a room with a group of high class, good looking, female dancers!" I enticed them. After looking at this different perspective the guys were most definitely on board with the directors offer just as I was.

"Well I think we should do it!" One of the guys said enthusiastically with nods from the other guys following after.

"Glad we all agree! I should probably talk to the director before he takes back his offer."  I said as I pull my phone out of my jacket pocket, walking a little ways away from the group while dialing the directors number. 

"Hello?" The Director answered.

"Morning Mr. Director! I accept your offer along with the rest of my dance group!" Said with a bit of pride.

"Great news! It would have been just fine if it was only you. But that's still great news!"

"We would like to be able to be able to use the studio as soon as possible! When can we come in?" I said eagerly.

"The ballet dancers should be arriving about this time.." He paused in thought. "You all could come in now as a small surprise!" I could hear his enthusiasm through the phone speaker. "I'll open up the doors for you guys right now! See you all at the doors!" He says as he hangs up.

"Well I guess we are going on in right now." I say as I turn around to the listening street dancers.

"Yes!!" The other dancers yelled out! so we all start walking toward the building.

Cherry Pov- 

The next morning I feel refreshed from the prior dance session, I stretch my arms as I leave my bedding and head into the restroom for a quick shower. Afterwards I go into kitchen for a snack before heading out to morning practice. Which will end approximately at noon or maybe a little later if the other scheduled group cancels again, leading into double the dance time.

'I hope the other ballet dancers have eaten a decent breakfast before practice.' I think and then smile to my self. 'I hope the other group cancels today as well. Now that would be nice since we do need to focus a tad more on our companionship for the upcoming group studio competition. working well together will be our main course of action today.' I decided.

Soon I arrived at the studio, earlier than the other dancers as routine entailed. When entering the building I headed toward our main practice room to set down and grab my things and head first into the male dressing room attached to the room. By the time I'm done getting dressed the other dancers should have arrived to start our practice session off nice and punctual.

As I step out of the dressing room two of the girls are already dressed and are chatting while lacing up their slippers until they notice my presence. "Morning Captain!~" One of the girls greeted me with a smile.

"Good Moring to you as well." I smiled back. "I hope you both are well rested."

"Yes, thank you!" The other girl answered. As I walk to the other bench I here little squeals from the girls behind me.

'What was that about?' I question as I take out my slippers. 'Better not think too much into it.'

A couple of minutes pass and all of the girls are dressed and have their slippers on chatting together happily. right before we start our stretching routine the Director opens up the door into the studio's room.

"I have an announcement to make!" He says as he walks in with a group of tall guys behind him. "We have a couple additions!..."

'Opposites Attract' --Matchablossom-- Dance au *Joe x Cherry*Where stories live. Discover now