When they have a nightmare

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When Sayori has a nightmare, she doesn't wake up by herself. She instead starts to cry in her sleep, and you would need to wake her up. Sayori tells you that it's just a little rain cloud, and that you didn't need to worry, but sometimes you make her tell you about the dream, so you don't get worried.


Yuri's nightmares usually didn't bother her, and she would just go back to sleep, but sometimes, nightmares could make her jolt up and hyperventilate. When you offered to talk about it, she would cuddle you and play with your hair while explaining her dream.


Monika didn't get nightmares often, but when she did, they could be very disturbing, and would sometimes make her cry. Sometimes she would tell you about her nightmares in the morning, or, if they were too disturbing, she would lie and say she forgot about it.


Whenever you saw Natsuki up from bed getting a cup if water, you knew she just had a nightmare. Her nightmares would usually be about her father, and it would make her uncomfortable to talk about it. When she got back in bed, she would cuddle you and quickly fall asleep again.

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