When you're sick

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Sayori could immediately tell when you weren't feeling well, because you were less cheerful than you normally were around her. She made you a bed on her couch, providing you with pillows and blankets to keep you warm, and gave you a TV remote. She ordered you your favorite fast food, and cuddled you while you ate. When you told her she might get sick, she said she didn't care, as long as she was with you.


As soon as Yuri found out you weren't feeling well, she rushed you to her house and put you in bed. She took your temperature, and pampered you all day. She asked you about all your symptoms, but you told her that it was probably just a simple cold. Whenever you asked for anything, she would get it for you, and give it to you along with a kiss on the forehead. She also made you some soup to make you feel better, and to make sure you stayed hydrated.


When you told Monika you were feeling sick, she called off all her plans for the day, and stayed at home with you. She made you take some liquid medicine, which you weren't a fan of, but she made it up to you by giving you ice cream to soothe your throat, and watched a movie while laying by your side. When you eventually fell asleep, she tucked you into bed and woke you up the next day with breakfast in bed.


Natsuki hated being sick, and she knew how to make herself feel better when she needed to. So, when you told her how you were feeling, she knew exactly what to do. She attempted to make you some healthy food, even though it was out if her comfort zone. She gave you a cold towel to rest on your head, so it would cool you down, and made you get some rest. When you asked for cuddles, she gave you a quick hug, and immediately jumped away, not wanting to get sick.

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