Chapter 1- The Tickets

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My name is Kusuo Saiki and I have psychic superpowers. I hate my powers and they make my life a living hell. However, I do have something that helps distract me from how torturous my psychic powers are. A band known as Rocking Peach BYS. They are an incredibly popular band, especially at my school, known for their talents in rock music. Everyone always talks about how much they love the guitar player or the drum player, but I find myself completely in awe by the lead singer.

Satou Hiroshi, who is known for being nothing special. Sure he's the singer in a popular band, but he still likes the most boring things, has the most average looks, an average voice, goes to an average school, and in general leads the most average life.

Stalking is an awfully strong word, but I do religiously follow his social media, my camera roll is filled with screenshots of him from videos of his concerts, and most importantly I always find myself daydreaming about being in a relationship, but I can't help it, he's my polar opposite, and everything I want to be and more.

I was listening to their most recent album, "Peaches and Cream" when my friend Kaido came bursting into the classroom. Nendou and Hairo were cleaning up a closet, Teruhashi was drawing while listening to music, listening to her thoughts I could tell she was listening to their debut album, "Boys and Peaches on Beaches", Kuboyasi was trying to clean a spot on his desk that was not coming up, and Yumehara and Mikoto were sitting next to each other talking and holding hands. Other than that the room was generally empty.

"Guys you won't believe this!" He shouted, "I got us all front row tickets for Rocking Peach BYS next concert!" Everyone immediately flocked around to see what was going on. 

"All of us?" Nendou asked, "That sounds incredibly expensive."

"Please it's nothing that someone like the Jet Black Wings can't do," Kaido scoffed confidently, 'Of course they were expensive you idiot! Front row seats drained my allowance!' 

"How many tickets did you buy?" Hairo asked, leaning into Nendou's side a bit so Nendou got the hint and wrapped is arm around him.

"Oh well obviously I got one for me and Aren," he said blushing a bit when he mentioned Kuboyasi's name, "I got one for Nendou and one for Hairo, I got one for Mikoto and one for Yumehara, I got two for Teruhashi because I figured she'd want to bring Rifuta, and I got one for Saiki." Everyone cringed a bit when he said he got one for me, and it's not because I'd be third wheeling.

All of my friends know I'm nonverbal autistic. Not that I'm incapable of talking, because it is possible for me to do so, but because my speech delay lasted for so long everyone has given up on trying to get me to be verbal. So I just communicate via sign language or telepathy. A part of my being autistic comes with being sensory avoidant. You already know that I'm constantly bombarded by food court levels of sounds. Imagine how band it would be front row center of a concert. I mean obviously I'd wear my germanium ring so the thoughts are gone, but being that close to the speakers? Ow.

"Oh yeah that's right," he dug through his bag and pulled out a pair of headphones, "Saiki, as your great and wonderful friend I got you these." He handed them to me and I inspected them, "They block out almost all noise, but will still allow you to hear the sound of the concert, but not at an ear-bleeding level. Ever since my mother found out that you were left handicapped by your powers she has done whatever was in her mortal power to make sure you were boosted to be at the best of your powers." Ah so his mom got them for me. I guess it makes sense, she probably saw my mom post her regular ASD awareness facebook post and she probably mentioned me and some other people I know. 

"Thanks," I signed inspecting the headphones. They weren't incredibly bulky and could pass for regular headphones, but they would definitely do the job.

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