A/N- Another Ending

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Well I suppose it's time for my final bow! Thank you everyone! I will now bow dramatically! *Falls face first to the floor in exhaustion.*

In all seriousness though, thank you so much for your support throughout this fanfic. I've been through so much from the start to the end, and it's been great seeing so many people becoming fans of the stupid shit I write as a coping mechanism. My introduction to the Satousai fandom stemmed from a lack of fanfiction content. Now, well, both of my stories hit the top of the tags. As someone who loves attention, this has been great.

And how about that last chapter. All the time I could have spent on an actually money making novel went towards a free story about gay people, and it made people happy which made me happy which means that it was time well spent. Communism sure is a fun thing huh?

However, there's something I must address. Unfortunately, I can't do another Satousai fanfic...yet. You see, when I was writing the first one, it was all for me. But this one, at a certain point became less about me. I wanted to appease the audience for whatever reason and it shows. It wasn't until the last two chapters I went back to writing for myself. As much as I love Satousai, I can't write another one right after this one. Under no circumstances am I done with Satousai, but just like Rocking Peach BYS, I need a little hiatus until I can actually fucking focus on what I write.

So my solution? Pull up three other comfort ships with no fandom and pit y'all against each other for the new fanfic. Before I make my next Satousai fic, I'll be having y'all choose the fic I do next.

Your options were:

A GaryJohn enemies to lovers fic.

A Serirei fluffy fanfic in a similar style to "An Ordinary Relationship" but with a less oblivious main character and better quality also Mob Psycho 100.

A HaiNen slowburn fanfic filled with fluff.

You were also asked how much angst you could take with your fic and what perspective you'd like to read it in.

So how did you all vote, well, only eleven votes came in so it's not the most accurate assessment, but to be honest, I could have gotten a hundred votes and it'd probably still look exactly the same.

And the results for which ship comes next:

Congratulations to the Hainen fans for your ship taking first place!

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Congratulations to the Hainen fans for your ship taking first place!

To the SeriRei and GaryJohn shippers, don't worry, eventually I will make fanfics for those too. I am in those fandoms after all. I just am putting HaiNen first since it's in clear popular demand. To the one GaryJohn voter, I see you and I love you. Faith is starting to become one of my SpIns and the lack of fanfic bothers me lol. To the two SeriRei voters, y'all know me so well. I have had a SpIn in Mob Psycho 100 for over a year. And to my HaiNen voters, let's get you your justice. The nearly canon ship has no independent fanfics. Let's change that. And it will be through fluff!

And the results for how much angst to use:

Not gonna lie I grit my teeth at how few people like angst, but then again, I only like angst cause it makes the fluff a lot stronger

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Not gonna lie I grit my teeth at how few people like angst, but then again, I only like angst cause it makes the fluff a lot stronger. It's like drinking a cup of hot chocolate normally vs drinking a cup of hot chocolate on a snowy day where you don't have to go the school or work and can just sit back under a bunch of weighted blankets and play animal crossing or something. It's like that except the snow day is actually just punching you in the face and then giving you a lollipop for being so brave. Unfortunately, there will need to be some angst so that there's actually a plot, hence why there isn't a "no angst, take that shit out" option, but since y'all want light angst I'll do my best to minimize the effect of the punch.

And the POV of the story results:

I'm glad y'all like the first person fics because that's what I'm used to

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I'm glad y'all like the first person fics because that's what I'm used to. For both SeriRei and HaiNen this question was absolutely applicable, but if GaryJohn had won, I'd be ignoring this completely because I want to write that in third person POV. However, since HaiNen won it actually gives me a lot more to work with, so thank you homies.

*Hi, future Mark here! The fic has been up. It's called, "How to Get a Gym Bro for Life. If you liked this fic and want to experience the first fanfic centered around HaiNen on Wattpad, you should check it out. You'll probably like it.

Now back to this fic, yeah

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Now back to this fic, yeah. What a fuckin' trip man. And I enjoyed the entire ride, even the parts I didn't. I'm glad I managed to find a community of people who actually like the dumb shit I write in my free time and post to the internet.

I'm going to miss SatouSai during that break I take, but it won't be forever. Eventually I'll come crawling back to this ship desperate for some flavor of fluff to consume. And since I'm addicted to angst for literally no reason other than haha funny suffering, 

So while this is a temporary goodbye for my SatouSai fics, it's not the end. I write until I die motherfucker, so you'll have to kill me before I quit.

Once again, thank you all so much for the support, and I'll see you all in the next fic. Love you!

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