Chapter 10- Take Note (Or Don't)

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, and if they ever ask you what the most annoying parts of dating a celebrity is, it's the fangirls.

When I saw the letter in my mailbox, I thought it had just been Toritsuka playing a prank on me. He's pretty relentless in not understanding other people, and believe me, I know how that sounds coming from me. Opening it to see a threat, I wasn't expecting that.

I could easily have dealt with it myself, in fact I almost did. What's stopping me from just using psychometry to reverse the process and find out who wrote it. What happens next could cause several legal violations so for the sake of the friendly ratings, please leave the rest to your imagination.

Then I thought about Satou. How would he feel if he found out that his boyfriend went and hurt a fan? He'd probably be furious. So it's probably best to just avoid confrontation.

I threw the letter to the side. They're just jealous that I get to date a famous singer and they don't. That's not my problem. I hear a lot of people also dating singers have to deal with this. Fans are so twisted in their fantasies that they forget that they're talking about real people. I wonder if this ever happened to any of the other band members' partners.

My only problem with it was, how did anyone find out we were dating? Sure there was the coffee shop incident, but we never stated we were on a date, or even dating. Rumors must spread like weeds. Maybe I could asked Teruhashi to intervene. One flick of her wrist and dreamy sigh then everything deescalates. Although, I've never seen how she handles a swarm of angry fangirls.

In the meantime, I did everything Sawakita told me not to do. I googled the fanfiction and the fan art and just Satou in general. The only thing I didn't go around doing was telling people my last name. He was pretty smart in that regard.

As it turns out, a lot of people like Satou. Like, a lot. Despite being the most ordinary member of the band, people still obsess over him as they do any member. I swear it was a slap in the face with reality just how crooked the internet could be.

Fanfiction, oh that fanfiction. Have you ever been on an online forum debating if your boyfriend should be with someone else? Have you ever watched people argue that the drummer and guitarist are the only people worth fighting over your boyfriend? At least it wasn't directly attacking me, it just was kinda hard to bear, especially knowing people were vividly describing Satou doing....detestible shit with someone he considers a good friend. 

Despite this, the fanfiction was the tamest part. Now lets talk fanart. The idea that anyone in this world can and should be allowed to draw is a lie. I've seen things that would make the good lord himself feel like he was going to hell. I didn't know it was possible to gain PTSD from an image.

Fan wikis are overly meticulous and borderline stalkerish as always. What else is new? That was sarcasm. Although I will say, they update rather fast. Two hours ago the wiki stated Satou as single. One article hinting that we may be dating comes out and there's a whole six paragraph segment about the, "Mysterious pink haired boy that Satou potentially is in a relationship with."

As for the article about me and Satou, it's just your standard run of the mill celebrity gossip articles. It never states my name, or shows a picture of my face without the blur (although people who know me can tell it's me because of the pins) and it doesn't hold any strong opinions about our relationship. All it does is say they're crossing their fingers for the potential that one of their favorite young celebrities may be a part of the lgbt community. The problem lays in the comment section.

"OMG Satou no!!!! You're too hot for a dude with pink hair and pronouns!!! Ahhh! Just date a girl lol."

"Satou gay real!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1!11!!!11!" I chuckled a bit at this one

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