Chapter 13- School and Sweets

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, and we're moving along from me sitting like a coward in my bedroom. It's a school day once again.

I was woken up by the sounds of practically everyone in the neighborhood thinking about something. The clutter of everyone's thinking made it hard to pick apart what's for the world in a bind. I stretched and stood up, grabbing my school uniform and getting changed.

You'd think someone died with the way the thoughts came flooding through. I buttoned up my jacket and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. Maybe I should have Kuusuke tighten the strength of my power limiters.

Speaking of Kuusuke, I opened my door and narrowly avoided getting hit by a pair of flying scissors.

"Darn, it looks like the trap didn't work," he said through a paper thin smile, "And here I thought I'd finally get to be the favorite child!"

"Good morning to you too brother," I said, walking right by him. I knew he was only joking about wanting me dead. For all his dangerous ideas and foolish games, he never intends to hurt me. Sure he might be a sadomasochist, but he wouldn't set up a trap like that if he knew I wouldn't be able to dodge it.

"Say, Kusuo," he grabbed me by the shoulder, "When did you start talking? And does it have anything to do with that boy you brought home the other day?"

"His name is Satou Hiroshi and you are not to touch him, he's a celebrity," I began, "And I have no idea how to answer your question. I started talking the second time we met. Backstage after his last concert during touring."

"Second?" He raised an eyebrow, "When was the first time you met him then?"

I felt my ears warm up a little bit as I thought about our first meeting, "It was a while ago. He was disguised so no one could recognize him. He needed to buy something for his little brother, but couldn't find the convenience store. I helped him to it and got myself some coffee jelly. He paid for everything, even my snacks. I fell in love with him and didn't realize it was him."

"Out of curiosity, what was he wearing?" Kuusuke smiled as if he was a genius.

"A baseball cap and a mask, and some sunglasses," I recalled, "He looked weird, but I didn't judge him."

"And this is just a hunch, but would you suggest that your little boyfriend is a man bound to cliches?" He asked, "He just seems really ordinary, that's all."

"Yes he is extremely ordinary," I nodded, "His whole world seems surrounded by cliches and the like."

"Kusuo," my brother said, holding back a laugh, "How did you not know it was him?" He let out a loud, choked back laugh as I stared at him with my usual death glare, "I'm sorry, but it's so obvious that it was him!"

"Give me a break, he was disguised and he's a celebrity that's way above my league," I rolled my eyes, "I thought I wasn't good enough for him."

"Oh let me guess!" Kuusuke laughed like a hyena as he spoke, "You heard he had a crush on someone, assumed it was a girl, distanced yourself from him so your feelings wouldn't get in the way, and then realized it was you he had a crush on this whole time, even though he made it glaringly obvious from the beginning!" When did he get psychic powers?

"You're not as funny as you think," I grumbled.

"I simply just say what everyone is thinking," he hummed. I rolled my eyes and walked past him, "Kusuo!"

"What?" I asked, turning back to him.

"You're not going crazy, there's just more people thinking," he assured me.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Because I know exactly what's got everyone so excited," Kuusuke chuckled to himself, "And I know exactly what's going to happen."

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