Chapter 11- K̶i̶s̶s̶ Tell the Boy

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"Saiki, don't just sit there," Satou said, "You and I both know an explanation is in order."

I stared at him, then the note. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't say it.

My name is Kusuo Saiki and I'm only doing this introduction to get out of explaining my psychic powers to my boyfriend, ordinary student and superstar singer Satou Hiroshi. Typically, receiving a letter about knowing I have psychic powers can mean one of two things. A.) Some annoying medium is out to have me teach them pervy magic tricks. Or B.) I'm in actual danger. Something tells me, it's option B.

"I- I don't know what this is talking about?" Even I couldn't believe the words escaping my lips, "It's nothing?"

"Saiki are you asking me what this is saying?" Satou raised an eyebrow at me in annoyance, "I can read it back to you if you need."

"No! No, I can read it," I put my hands over his mouth before he spoke another word. Hearing someone remind me of my psychic powers kind of sucked, "I'm just, trying to process I guess."

"Saiki, don't act like I'm stupid," Satou said, "What do they mean by psy-"

"Stop!" I cut him off, "Give me a second to put it into words!"

"Take your time," he said, sliding closer to my pillow to give me space, "We have all night."

"O-oh o-okay," I nodded. 

Every bone in my body was shaking, literally, I was quite nervous. All I could do was look at him. He sat and stared back, seemingly right through me, kind of like how I see people if I'm not careful. Was he angry? Was he confused? Would he care that he was dating an affront to nature?

I thought about how other people reacted when I was forced to tell them about my powers. What happened to them? Well, they fainted, they became reclusive, they feared me. I didn't want Satou to fear me. I may be blunt and impatient, but I'm generally harmless, if you don't count those few times I elected to be violent.

I tilted my head, trying to figure out how the most extraordinary ordinary boy would react to the literal supernatural. Knowing how normal people react, I knew how he'd see me. He'd think I'm a monster.

"I don't think I can tell you," I said truthfully, "Not now, and not ever."

"What?" His face scrunched up, "Saiki, you can't just not tell me what this means."

"I'm sorry, but I can't have you thinking like them," I turned my face away to hide my shame, "You're the only person I've been so willing to be myself around, but I can't be my entire self around anyone really."

"Thinking what Saiki?" He tried to move closer, but I backed away. Him being in my personal space was irritating, even if I did love him, "That you're dishonest with the people you say you love? Boy, would hate if someone found that out."

"No, that's not it! And I'm not dishonest!" The accusations, the sound of his accusational thoughts, the feeling of my personal space being violated, mixed with the six thousand other sounds that come with just being in my room alone, it was all starting to get me. It felt like I was melting underneath the lights. It was starting to agitate me.

"Well then what is it Saiki?" he said, gritting his teeth.

"Satou. Stop," I warned, squeezing my eyes shut and fluttering my hands next to my face to try and calm down.

"Stop what?" he said, "Trying to understand why my boyfriend doesn't trust me?"

"Stop," I warned again, starting to rock back and forth.

"Stop what Saiki?" he asked, "Stop acting like I'm being lied to? Stop acting like I'm being betrayed? Sure I'll stop, when you stop acting like I'm some idiot who can't handle anything!"

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