Chapter 14- The Last Song

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My name is Kusuo Saiki and I am the secret boyfriend of the beloved Rocking Peach BYS singer Satou Hiroshi. Okay, I know that that's kind of obvious by now, but in reality, no one outside of friends and family really knows that. And everyone thinks the upcoming announcement at the Saturday concert is me and Satou's relationship. To be honest, I think it is too, but he won't tell me.

"Oh Kuu," he teased hugging me as we sat on my bed. Sawakita was so busy making arrangements he asked me to, and I quote, 'Get that boy off his butt and doing his warm ups before I smack him into that Saturday concert faster than he can think up a sorry excuse.' So it's safe to say whatever this announcement is, it's got the entire band stressed out.

"What's up Hiro?" I teased right back. I was testing the waters with this nickname. It was technically the first time I referred to him by his first name.

"Aww that's cute Kuu," he poked my cheek. In the words of a super popular video game series, it was not very effective, "So whatcha doin'?"

"Well I'm supposed to be babysitting you for Sawakita since he trusts you about as much as a wasp is trusted not to sting an eight year old," I answered honestly, "But I'm not doing a very good job of it, so I'm ignoring you by scrolling through my phone in hopes that you're close enough to neurotypical that you take the hint and practice for your upcoming concert."

"So did you want to cuddle or-"

"Get to practicing Hiroshi," I pointed at a random corner in my room, "If you don't sound good then Sawakita is going to strangle me backstage on Saturday."

"Aww, Kusuo!" He whined, "I have plenty of time to practice before Saturday! Don't you want to cuddle and stuff before that?"

"Hiroshi, I love you, but I'm going to that concert tomorrow and Friday too, and I don't want my boyfriend sounding like a suffocating clam when he sings," I teased, "Will you please practice? For me?"

"Sure thing cutie," he kissed me on the cheek before standing up, "But only because I love you."

He took up staying at my place during the upcoming preparations. The studio was apparently closed, so most band members practiced at home on their own. Unfortunately for Satou, his brother could only tolerate the sound of the music for about thirty minutes before coming in a throwing stuff at him. Fortunately for him, he has a boyfriend that can't get enough of the sound of his voice.

At first, Satou just hid in a closet so he didn't have to be embarrassed by making weird noises alone. I don't think he anticipated me sitting outside of the closet trying to figure out what the heck was making all those weird noises. But once I had started echolaliating his noises, he became a bit less embarrassed about his warm-up noises. Now we just sit on my bed making "brrr" noises back and forth until his vocal chords are ready to do some real singing.

When he got up to sing, I put in an earbud, listening to his new album. I might as well be prepared for the songs I'd be listening too for three days straight. I loved every single track, mostly because Hiroshi was the one singing, but there was something odd about the album. There was one song that just disappeared. It was open to be listened to for five seconds before it was made unavailable by the publisher. It was track six, named after the album, "The Apple of my Eye (But The Peach of My Soul)." According to Hiroshi, it was no mistake putting it on the album, and no mistake making it inaccessible.

"You'll see," he said, "I promise you will. You've just gotta have a little faith in me, you know?" That's all he would tell me. He was being secretive, and his thoughts were always just as cryptic. Maybe I shouldn't have told him about my psychic powers, because now he's making it impossible to read his thoughts clearly.

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