Chapter 8- The Sleepover The Break's Over

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My name is Kusuo Saiki and tonight, I'm sleeping over at my boyfriend's house.

Oh settle down, it's nothing like that. It's just going to be too dark for me to walk home so it's better to hang around his place and go home in the morning than to worry him by walking in pitch darkness.

"So what do you want to do?" Satou asked, still hugging me.

"Food," I said without hesitation, "Coffee jelly is best, but I'll take anything with sugar."

"I think we've established that you like coffee jelly," he teased, poking my cheek.

"Like you're any better peach boy?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Actually the peach idea was Ren's" he said, addressing his little brother, "The band was meeting at my place trying to figure out a name so that we were more than just, 'the guys in the garage that the elderly neighbors throw pots and pans at' and he was holding peach juice boxes for everyone since we'd been there for so long. He pointed at a peach on the box and pressed 'boys' on his tablet. The rest is history. We loved the idea and planned around it."

"Cool," I said, "But Coffee Jelly is still the best."

"That's not true," Satou retaliated, "Peach tea is so much better! You just have to try it!"

"I believe the same applies to coffee jelly," I fought back, "I guess we're at a standstill my dear."

The two of us laughed and threw pillows back and forth as we fought over which was better. I managed to land a blow (softly thankfully) to his gut and he pretended to keel over in pain.

"Hey not fair," he laughed.

"Darling I don't fight fair," I laughed back.

Eventually we just collapsed on the floor in a pile of pillows.

"I can get you a coffee jelly from downstairs," he offered, "Wait here. I'll get it for you."

"My hero," I blew a kiss as he got up and walked away. I took in my surroundings. I was in THE Satou Hiroshi's house. He was now my boyfriend. I suppose Mikoto was right, the two of us are compatible.

"I'm back," Satou said, placing down two plates on the coffee table, "I bring coffee jelly and chocolates."

"Thank you!" I said excitedly, flapping my hands a bit before I took a bite, "What'd you get yourself?"

"Two twix bars and a pile of raspberries," he responded. Yes, he did in fact grab that as a snack, "Did you expect a peach tart or peach pancakes?"

"I expected cuddles yet here I am empty handed," I said. With that he wrapped me in a big hug, "Better, I suppose."

"You're hard to please," he commented.

"And whose fault is it that you like me?" I teased.

"Yours," he stated, "If you weren't so cute then I wouldn't have fallen for you."

"Aww. You're cute."

"No you are," he said.

"Don't start this fight with me. I can do this until the end of time, my love," he probably wasn't aware just how true that statement was.

The two of us just cuddled and laughed for a while, making small remarks about how cute we thought the other was.

"We probably shouldn't be making a mess of the living room," he suggested with a shrug, "Don't want my parents coming home to see two teenagers being gay idiots in a pile of pillows."

"Screw you, I'm a fabulous gay idiot," I said, knowing full well that I was incorporating the insult.

"You're my fabulous gay idiot," he sat up and planted a quick kiss on my forehead.

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