Chapter 12- Back to Normal...?

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My name is Kusuo Saiki, I have psychic superpowers and I'm dating the singing sensation and ordinary student Satou Hiroshi. Huh, it's weird, isn't it? In spite of everything, it feels the same. A constant loop of disaster and then normalcy, or at least as normal as it gets around here. Perhaps that's what makes my life so disastrous.

"Saiki, you all right?" Satou sat up and wrapped an arm around me. Damn that extra inch in height he had against me, "You're just staring into space, usually you have something to say, or complain about." 

Well, there is one thing about my life that won't be disastrous, "I'm good," I sort of leaned into him lovingly to reassure him, "Tired."

"Of what?" He asked

"Your fangirls, being psychic, life," I said truthfully.

"Wanna try using telepathy instead?" he asked. It is undeniably different now that Satou's aware of my powers, but maybe that's a good kind of disaster.

'Yes,' I said telepathically, collapsing into his lap, grabbing one of his hands to fidget with the loose skin around his finger joints. It's something I did with my mom's hand, my dad's hand, and my hand, all as forms of stimming. I figured Satou wouldn't mind, as long as I didn't break his hand or something.

"So how does it feel getting that secret off your chest?" He asked, holding still and watching what I did.

'Better,' I nodded slightly, gazing endlessly at the circles on his hand. I don't get to do it long. When x-ray vision kicks in it gets boring, 'Now I don't think there's anything else I'm hiding from you.'

"If you have any other confessions, speak now or I will forever not know," he said, using his other hand to mess with my hair.

'My parents will love you,' I admitted, 'My grandma will make wedding plans. My grandpa will act like he thinks we're an abomination but in reality he's already making the streamers. And you aren't allowed to meet my brother.'

"What! Why not?" He asked, pretending to be hurt, "Is he a major douchebag or something?"

'No,' I sighed sadly.

"Oh, is it...something else?" He asked apprehensively.

'No, it's just that he's annoying and will probably froth at the mouth at the sight of us together,' I shrugged, 'Thinks that it takes something extraordinary to impress a psychic.'

"I'm not special to you?" Satou chuckled.

'Not in the slightest,' I answered honestly, 'You're a type of perfection beyond reality. It's kind of impressive.'

"Thanks, I think," he said, 'He has the cutest way of complimenting people.' 

'No, just you,' I answered.

"What! But-" the lightbulb took a moment to appear. Where do all these light bulbs keep coming from when people make observations? My closet can only fit so many lightbulbs! "Telepathy, right."

"Yep," I said aloud, sitting up to turn towards him, "So-"

'Kuu~ We're home!'

"Oh no," my eyes went wide.

"Oh no what?" He raised an eyebrow.

"How good are you at climbing and running?" I asked.

"Woah why? What's gotten into you?" I thought how far the jump would be from the ledge of the roof. I'm sure he'd be fine. Bone's aren't that fragile right?

"My parents," I said, "They just got home, and they have no idea you're here!"

"Oh!" he suddenly caught up, "Why? Do they not want a boy in your room and you'll get in trouble?"

The Ordinary Band (A Satousai fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant